Chapter 83 Postscript and Reference Materials

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This is the first original article I have written. Before that, I had not written a word for almost five years, and I once suspected that I could not write anything. During this period, I would occasionally have an idea, and at that time I would save it as a note in my phone. This is the fifth one. My hands were really itchy, so this fifth idea was turned into an article. Now I am grateful for my impulse to open Word and write the first chapter. After writing about tens of thousands of words, the feeling of writing came back. It felt great to be able to tell a story with my own pen. I watched the characters and plot gradually take shape, and their world was gradually built. This in itself is a very fulfilling thing. On top of that, it makes me feel happy that so many people are happy to watch it and get even a little bit of joy out of it.

The central idea of ​​the postscript can be summed up in two words, which is probably "gratitude".

From the time I had the idea to write this article at the end of April to the end, I actually wrote over 300,000 words in three months. Among them, I was quite busy at work and had to work a lot of overtime. Friends who follow my wb may know that I also moved alone. There were times when I was tired and painful, but everyone’s love and support were the source of my motivation, and I actually finished writing it.

In order to feel better and avoid being fooled, I hard-disked myself and wrote 100,000 words before I started posting the first chapter. So first of all, I want to thank Zaizai, my only relative and friend in the initial stage (you are the only one who read it during the manuscript deposit stage and read all the manuscript deposit boxes in advance. Your encouragement allowed me to continue to expand and improve my ideas into writing. and keep writing). Also, I met Mr. zz (**notal00**) and Mr. Roast Duck (**鱼香roast duck**) who I met in the small world of useless articles and discussed the plot with me during the serialization process. Their articles are both very interesting. . Thank you Linyuan, the reader who lives in my mind, for your encouragement and sharing that helped me through some uncertain times.

Finally, of course, I would like to thank everyone who liked, tipped, commented, recommended, and read this story. In the first few chapters, every time I posted it, I would get two or three collections, so at that time, my estimated goal for myself was 300 collections, haha. As of today, more than 4,000 real readers have collected the article, and so many people have commented. I really can’t say anything else except being moved and grateful, and I bow to everyone. From the beginning of the article, I tried to manually thank everyone who tipped me, and I persisted until the end. The same is true for comments. Everyone has a limited time to leave comments, so I am very precious. I will read every post. I remember the ID of the girl (or handsome guy? Assuming I have a male reader) who often comments on me. Thank you Shi Xi, Little Meow Can’t Meow, Heard You Yunchuxiu, hhhh sleepy, Ecma, sugarbeet, zimbardo and other fishes (there must be some missing) who gave me comments and encouragement when there were only a dozen chapters in the beginning.

I don’t want to attract attention with simple jokes, nor do I want to put on Facebook-style character labels. I hope that the characters I write are like you and me in real life, complex but logical individuals, imperfect but sincere and kind. Lovely, work hard at work, love and life. But due to their selfishness, they will get a love and ending that is more satisfactory and romantic than what we might have in reality. I think everyone understands me. Being understood is a rare blessing for an author. I wrote this story with all my heart, so I am so happy and lucky to receive such a reward. I like the environment where writing is free. I have said it many times in my previous comments, but I have to say it again - I am also lucky to meet you. Thank you all, thank you for meeting me, see you in the next article!


Reference to real air crash scenes:

The scene of the accident and the structure of the investigation are based on details mentioned in the "Air Havoc" documentary series and Wikipedia. In addition to the famous air crashes such as Air France 4590, JAL 123, Tenerife, and Uberlingen directly mentioned in the article, other references include:

Cathay Pacific 780 is the opening reference for the crash landing in Hong Kong.

National Air Cargo 102 crashed seconds after takeoff due to cargo shifting at Bagram Airport in Afghanistan.

TWA No. 841, when the flaps were deployed at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the slats failed and the aircraft rolled. It was miraculously recovered at the last second. The myth in the article may be quite different from the fact that TW 841 flew an old 727 passenger aircraft. After more than 20 minutes of searching, I initially determined that the 737 series cannot operate with only flaps but no slats at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

On October 11, 2016, there was a runway invasion incident at Shanghai Hongqiao Airport.

Southwest Airlines Flight 1380, landing without flaps.

Main reference sources for land and air calls:

ATC public recording of Bilibili: After listening to it for many hours, I can’t post links to them all. Here are some of the up owners that I wrote down: Crazy Cat, Brother Vassly, Fried dough sticks and red bean paste buns, Don’t give me away on the bus, Rice Xiao Le, the ghost ATC wearing sunglasses, etc.

liveATC website, [ ]( ).

Other main reference articles:

"I have been an air traffic controller for seven years", NetEase (reprinted), .

"Standard Terminology for Air Traffic Radio Calls", Civil Aviation Industry Standard, .

"Chinese and English Radio Ground and Air Call Sample Tutorial", .

"737 Approach Speed ​​Regulation", Civil Aviation Resources Network, .

Descent from an altitude of 10,000 meters [MTL] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now