Chapter 38 Good to fly

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Fang Hao is a clean person. After all the trouble, he wanted to take a bath most, so he went to take a bath first, and then Chen Jiayu went. When Chen Jiayu came out of the bathroom, Fang Hao was already lying on the bed. The previous cups and sheets were thrown into the washing machine. He lit a candle. The room smelled of a nice winter forest. Others were curled up in the quilt, looking small, yawning sleepily while scrolling through their mobile phones.

Looking at this situation, Chen Jiayu felt that he was a bit redundant. He borrowed his towel to wipe his hair, and while wiping it, he sat at the foot of the bed and asked Fang Hao: "Pull up your T-shirt and let me see."

Fang Hao shook his head and said one word: "Cold."

Chen Jiayu insisted on taking a look. He came closer and tried to lift up his quilt. Only then did Fang Hao obey and took the initiative to pull up his clothes to show him. He wanted to see if his strong hand had hurt him, but Fang Hao just said, "It's okay, I'm quite strong."

The red marks on his waist have faded a bit but have not completely disappeared, but Chen Jiayu's eyes slipped and he saw his slightly swollen nipples - the feeling was hard to describe, but at that moment Chen Jiayu wished that trees would grow under his feet. Gen, just stay in this room and never leave next to Fang Hao.

Fang Hao felt goosebumps all over his body when he saw it. He put down his clothes again and said, "I've finished reading it. I won't show it tomorrow."

As if being reminded of something, Chen Jiayu put a wet towel on his broad shoulders, lay on the bed, and suddenly said seriously to Fang Hao: "I don't want to leave, what should I do? Do you want to talk." What did he think? That’s all. This was probably the first time that he said what he was thinking without concealing it. Maybe the person in front of him had this kind of completely relaxing aura. Or maybe this kind of aura is called fate. He felt it, and he knew that Fang Hao also felt it.

Fang Hao sighed and put down his phone. He didn't mean to chase Chen Jiayu away - although he usually wouldn't let others stay overnight. After expressing his desires, he would go back to his own house. This was a polite and restrained approach. But Chen Jiayu is not someone else. Chen Jiayu might also know what he was thinking. Lying on his bed this time, he felt quite pampered and arrogant. Fang Hao wanted to snicker when he thought of this. However, if Chen Jiayu stayed, they would have to have a long conversation about their relationship and their thoughts about each other - and he was really tired and had no memory space in his mind to handle such a complicated conversation.

In the end, he just pointed out the fact: "You can if you want. But, won't you fly tomorrow?" Chen Jiayu knew that he would not be on duty tomorrow - otherwise, Fang Hao should not let himself touch his neck at all.

Now, when Fang Hao asked, he had to admit: "I don't fly during the day, but I have meetings. I have to report to the company at nine o'clock. I fly to Shenzhen Baoan in the evening." This is why he stopped drinking in the last two hours of the night, but was actively Hydrate.

Fang Hao made another calculation for him: "If you go back now, you can still sleep for four and a half hours."

Chen Jiayu said: "I can fly after four hours of sleep, as long as I don't stay up all night."

Fang Hao pushed him and said rather affectionately: "I'm already stressed enough at work, don't make me pay for civil aviation safety anymore."

Chen Jiayu smiled and did not insist anymore. He just said: "I will stay in Shenzhen tomorrow night. Let's talk when we come back the day after tomorrow."

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