Chapter 20 Hong Kong

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The next morning, Chen Jiayu got up early and went to his parents' house in the opposite unit. He was going to make some breakfast, but his father had already come back from his morning exercise, and he brought the breakfast from the roadside stall by the way, and the couple were having breakfast.

When he entered the door, he saw the living room at home was illuminated by the morning light, and his father and his mother were facing each other, drinking soy milk and eating fried dough sticks.

"Dad, Mom." He called out and put down the luggage bag in his hand.

Seeing him in uniform, his mother Cao Hui knew that he had a flight mission today, and told him to come, "Jiayu, come and sit down and have some food."

Chen Jiayu originally wanted to say to eat at the company, but he couldn't refuse, so he sat down.

He drank two sips of soy milk, and ate two chopsticks of pickled vegetables. His mother smiled and called him by his nickname, "Jiajia, I didn't sleep well yesterday." Maybe it was because of the dark circles under his eyes, or the expression on his face. exhausted. Maybe, just because he had to visit his parents early in the morning when he needed to go to work. He knew that his mother had always been a delicate and observant person, and he felt that he could do whatever he wanted with his mother.

Chen Jiayu looked at her with the cup in his hand and said, "Well, I finally flew to Hong Kong yesterday." He didn't want to hide anything.

These words attracted his father's attention, and Chen Zheng asked him, "How was the flight?"

Chen Jiayu nodded: "It's okay." This is indeed the truth. From the perspective of flight performance, it was indeed a very normal flight with no omissions.

But his mother seemed to understand right away, she said: "You are under a lot of pressure, and we know it too."

Chen Jiayu put down his chopsticks and took a deep look at his mother.

There was no words during the dinner, so Chen Zheng asked him, "Are you still flying today?"

Chen Jiayu said yes.

Cao Hui reached out and touched his shoulder. It was originally a very ordinary comfort, but her hand stopped there. After a long time, Cao Hui stood up, walked behind Chen Jiayu, lowered her body and hugged him.

She said softly: "It's okay, everything will pass. Jiayu, you have to believe in yourself."

Chen Jiayu suddenly became very stiff. He suddenly couldn't hold the chopsticks anymore, his heart was beating fast, and the satisfaction and pain almost tore him apart at the same time. It's too early, too early. He didn't take a few bites before saying that he was running out of time, said goodbye to his parents, picked up his bag and left.

When Chen Zheng sent him to the door, he was still telling him: "Remember to read the instrument, the more familiar the task, the less you can take it lightly."

Chen Jiayu dared not take it lightly. He couldn't listen anymore, so he just put it off, and when he sat in the car, he almost couldn't control his emotions, he just felt his eyes tighten.

He once swore that he would not shed tears because of Cao Hui's illness, and a man would not shed tears lightly. When she was in the most pain, the hardest time, he just felt sorry for her, tried every means to alleviate her pain, asked for leave to accompany her on a trip, or brought her her favorite food, and he was never so sad. But now, it turned out to be a hug, which almost completely disintegrated his defense line.

He has a feeling that he doesn't know how he has spent more than thirty years in his life, but there are too few good things, and it seems that they rarely happen to him. His mother Cao Hui was one of them, maybe the only one who loved him unconditionally. However, God will soon take her back, how cruel it is.

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