Chapter 81 Hong Kong

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After Chen Jiayu returned to flying the A330, he mainly flew routes in Australia and Oceania, from Beijing to Sydney, Beijing to Melbourne, and Beijing to Auckland, sometimes stopping at Guangzhou, Shenzhen or Hong Kong. Because it is an international long-haul flight, there is only one flight a day, and there are only a few A330 crews flying on this route in the whole company, so his schedule is very regular. Except for aircraft scheduling problems that cause the time to be advanced or delayed, there are rarely any problems with personnel. Adjust time according to changes. Therefore, it is also easier for him to plan in advance and arrange other activities. Because he was away from Beijing two or three days a week, during the days he was in Beijing, except for going back to Lijing to accompany his father, he basically spent all his time with Fang Hao. Now it's Fang Hao's turn to put all his things in Linekang. From toiletries, clothes to ingredients, there are traces of him everywhere. Chen Jiayu even asked him jokingly: How about moving the coffee machine as well? Fang Hao didn't agree at the time. He just said that it was his family's treasure. If he moved here to your place, my family would have nothing, so he could just rent it out.

After saying this, he was stunned for a moment - they had not discussed the issue of living together in detail before, but now that they had brought it up, he didn't want to avoid it.

"That's okay. Now... when I was in Beijing, we were basically living together. My dad wouldn't come to my place." Chen Jiayu answered smoothly.

Fang Hao nodded and said, "Let's wait until the end of the year. We are preparing for competitions recently and have been busy with work. If we move, it will take time."

He remembered that he had just come back from a run and was wiping his hair after taking a shower. Chen Jiayu was chopping vegetables and cooking in the kitchen. When they were talking about this, he glanced at himself, with a gentle smile on his eyes and eyebrows. Outside the window, the sun was gradually setting, and the kitchen lights were already very dim, but Chen Jiayu might have been staying in the kitchen, so he didn't feel it yet. Fang Hao put his hand on the kitchen light switch. After hesitating for a while, he put his hand down. Chen Jiayu's eyes were gentler than the sunset. He just looked at him silently, as if he had already seen their life after living together. They would be woken up by different alarm clocks in the morning, and they could fall asleep hugging each other at night. Occasionally they would go shopping, watch exhibitions, watch movies, go shopping together, or simply prepare a meal together, like now. He suddenly felt that life was really easy. All the unresolved and anxious things had fallen to the ground. Now, whether it was happiness or stability, everything was at his fingertips. He has also lived for thirty years. Before Chen Jiayu, he was free when he was single and indulged when he was passionately in love. But he had never experienced such an emotion and state, where all the problems in life were solved and the future was straight and open. He could see the road forever.

With such emotions, Fang Hao set foot on the starting line of the Hong Kong 100-kilometer race around the island.

In order to watch him compete, Chen Jiayu actually matched his timetable very early and switched flights with another flight crew that flew to Hong Kong and then to Sydney that day, so that Fang Hao could follow his flight to Hong Kong. It took two days to prepare and adjust. During this period, Chen Jiayu flew to Sydney and back. He just returned to Hong Kong on the day of his competition and was able to catch up with the last few hours. At first, Fang Hao felt that it was too much trouble for him. Although international flights such as Sydney are equipped with dual crews, if there are some unpredictable factors, he may not be able to make it back on time. Moreover, there is no certainty whether he can finish the race or not. He had only run 60 to 70 kilometers in training before. Although he was in good condition that time, a competition is a competition after all. Not only does he have skills in running, he also pays attention to drinking water, replenishing energy, and eating. If he is not careful, his condition may be affected. . He was afraid that Chen Jiayu would come and go and his trip would end up being in vain.

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