41: logan

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I don't trust myself not to throw myself at Hunter after not seeing him for so long if we met up at either of our places, so we're meeting at a coffee shop. I've done a lot of thinking, going back and forth on why I'm being so stubborn about this. The conclusion I've come to is that my feelings were hurt.

I got here early because I want a chance to gather myself before I see him. As upset as I have been with Hunter, it doesn't change the fact that I'm in love with him. He sent me a picture of the sunrise the other day with a text so cheesy my face hurt from smiling so hard. Other than checking in a few times, he's done what he promised he would do. Hunter's given me time and space to think. He really did leave the ball in my court. I've caught myself staring at the drawer I stashed the gift card he gave me more than a few times. The mixtape he made me is actually pretty good as well.

So when he told me he was on his way back to campus from his parents' house, I asked Hunter to meet me at the coffee shop.

I hop in line, rerunning the way I hope the conversation will go through my head. We greet platonically and I don't melt into his arms like I really want to. We sit at the table and I cut to the chase because if I don't say it then, I'll chicken. I tell him he was a stupid jerk for making the bet and not telling me once we got closer, but that I want to move on from it. Of course if he still wants to be with me. For all I know, he could have changed his mind. I say what I need from a partner in a relationship before asking Hunter what he wants that way there is literally no confusion where either of us stands. I don't need Hunter, but I want him.

"I already got you your favorite." Hunter's voice says behind me, and my heart leaps in my chest at the sound of it.

"You're early." I say, turning around with a smile. I mean I basically have my speech down.

"I don't want you to have to wait on me." His cheeks flush pink, and it's adorable. Hunter is adorable. "I'm nervous too. I was afraid if I tried to distract myself from how nervous I am that I would forget, and then you'd never forgive me. So, I figured it's better to be nervous here and on time."

"I'm nervous too, but thank you for coming." I say, and Hunter smiles, his dimple popping out. Fuck. It's not cute. If I tell myself it's not cute then maybe I'll believe it.

"I grabbed the table over here." He says, motioning to the booth we were in the first time we came to study here. Damn, that feels like so long ago. We were practically strangers still.

I happily inhale the smell of my caramel latte, causing Hunter to chuckle quietly. I look up at him, unashamed of how addicted I am to the scent of fresh coffee. "What?"

"It's cute how happy you look every time you have coffee in your hands."

"It's my favorite thing. Thank you for getting my order for me." He smiles again easily, but I'm distracted by how he looks different? I can't put my finger on exactly what it is that he changed. "Did you do something different? I'm sorry, I might just be going insane from having not seen you for a few days, but something is different."

His cheeks flush bright red and he slowly takes his hat off. My eyes widen in shock at his missing blond wavy locks. Hunter's head is buzzed and he's watching me carefully. "I um... asked my mom to give me a haircut. She messed up and we had to buzz it because of the hack job." He puts his hat on again, and I cover my mouth instinctively.

"Oh Hunt, it's not bad." I try to say and he shrugs.

"It's just hair. It'll grow back, and I learned a valuable lesson. I will never ask my mother for a haircut again, and JJ needs to watch his back." Hunter says, but now I'm lost.

"What does JJ have to do with it?"

"He decided that the moment Mom was cutting my hair was the exact right moment to piss her off and distract her. Then he had the nerve to laugh when she messed up. It was a whole thing because then Clementine gave Theo a haircut so we're both rocking buzz cuts." Hunter explains and I can only imagine how chaotic that would have been.

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