12: hunter

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"Are you two decent or are you still fucking?" I bang on Grant's door, impatiently waiting on him this time to go to the gym. They disappeared in here almost two hours ago and I'm honestly impressed by their stamina. Finn is about to go on a stretch where the basketball team is gone for a couple of days playing at a couple schools on the West coast so honestly, I can't blame them. But, I'm still going to ask him if he's going to the gym with me. I don't feel like going by myself.

I'm about to bang on the door again when the door opens revealing Grant's red face. "Yeah, I'm not coming."

"Yes you are," Finn calls from the bedroom and I'm stuck between the urge to high-five Grant and gagging.

"Sorry, maybe tomorrow." He says, promptly slamming the door in my face.

"Don't forget to take care of the dog!" I remind him, looking at Cosmo where she's napping on our couch.

Honestly, I can't blame Grant and Finn. Part of me wants to go to the bar and find a girl for the night, but it feels dirty and wrong. So unless I can get past those feelings, my right arm is going to get bigger than my left arm and not because I'm going to the gym more.

I make sure I grab my Beats that are very noticeable to try and prevent anyone from speaking to me. I use the athlete's gym on campus, but I don't feel like talking to anyone today.

There's been too many questions about the draft, when my brother is going to come visit me on campus, and as much as I've played into it, solicitations from girls who just want a good time.

I took what Mirabelle said seriously about finding a therapist and I have an introductory appointment later this week. I'm skeptical for all the reasons I told Mira. I've had people betray my trust and I've seen first hand the damage it can do to the people in my family. But I also love my sister enough to try it. When Mira says she's worried about me, it makes me want to shrivel up because I don't want to be another person she has to worry about.

Thankfully, the gym is relatively empty which doesn't really surprise me considering the nice weather outside, but I'm grateful for it. I struggle with being on all the time. It'll be nice to turn my brain off for a little bit to just exist even if I didn't want to come by myself in the first place.

I refuse to stop until I'm struggling to catch my breath, listening to the limits my body is telling me that I have. There's a fine line there where if I ignore it, I could get really hurt and that's the last thing I need with the draft coming up.

After showering and changing into the clean clothes I brought with me, I have no idea where to go. I don't want to go back to my place because I have no desire to be the third wheel right now. I don't really want to go anywhere else either though. Emmett is just going to give me shit about the bet we made and I'm honestly not proud of myself for making it, but I still have yet to call it off.

Logan's apology threw me off the other day.

"How about you mind your own business?" I hear Logan say to Klaire who looks ready to kill her. God I don't have the patience for her today. Klaire is one of those people that if you smile at her, she'll think you're in love with her. Unfortunately for me, I was the idiot that brought her back to my bed so I don't really have anyone to blame but myself.

"How about you admit that you're just as obsessed with him as everyone else?" I'm going to take a blind guess and assume that I'm the him in this scenario. I notice that Logan's fists are clenched and while I'd love to see her slap the shit out of Klaire, I do know how upset she would be with herself. She tries to compose herself better than that, but whatever Klaire is saying is clearly getting under her skin.

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