20: hunter

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"Have you thought about what you're doing for spring break?" Logan asks before taking a drink of her coffee.

It's all I've thought about. My entire family wants to go to France to celebrate Kaitlyn and Bailey's engagement while I'd rather drown myself in the ocean. Some of the guys from the team talked about going to South Padre in Texas, but it just sounds like a terrible idea. Too many people with phones ready to capture every stupid thing you do? Goodbye football, hello boring career.

"Not really. My family wants to go to France, but I'm not really sure what I'm doing." I tap my fingers anxiously on the table, trying not to let the stress of potentially seeing Kaitlyn and Bailey together get to me.

Logan raises an eyebrow at me, "I'm sorry, did you just say your family wants to go to France and you're not sure if you're going? Dude, that's like a once in a lifetime trip for anyone else. I would kill to be able to just casually say I'm going to France like it wouldn't be the best thing ever."

My cheeks start to heat because she's not wrong. Sometimes it's easy for me to forget that not everyone does have the same opportunities. "Well I might not have a choice so if you want to go and save me from dealing with my family, I'd appreciate it."

"What? Are you serious?" Her tone has risen a little bit and I look away from my computer to see the surprised expression on Logan's face. Then I see the doubt. "This isn't because of..." She trails off, motioning awkwardly with her hands.

Because we slept together.

I force a chuckle, "No Logan. It's not because of that."

"Then why? I'd love to go, but I can't afford a last second flight to France or a hotel room; I'm saving my money for New York." She says, not mincing her words at all now. The only times I've seen Logan falter with her words is when she's referring to the time a few days ago when we had sex or when she wants to ask me something, but doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

Meanwhile, I've had no problem replaying everything over and over in my head. Not the sex, well I mean yeah, I've replayed that in my mind a few dozen times, but I've been replaying most of my interactions with Logan since I met her. I've become a version of myself with her that I haven't seen in a long time or maybe ever. I think that even if I hadn't had plans with Logan after Kaitlyn called, I still would've gone to her.

As frustrating as she can be at times, I've started to realize that being around Logan makes me feel something other than this emptiness that I hadn't realized was there. I've changed a lot over the last few years: more social, more extroverted, fitting more into the stereotypes that everyone expected of me. Everyone including Logan. I'm learning that I like who I am with Logan better than any other version of myself. I feel like living instead of floating through my existence smiling at the appropriate times and acting a certain way-

A gentle hand rests on mine, pulling me from my thoughts. "Hey, you okay?"

I blink rapidly, remembering that I'm with Logan at a coffee shop. My eyes fall to where her hand is rested on mine; it's the first time she's touched me since I left her apartment. Even a simple touch on my hand feels like a shock racing through my body.

"Yeah," I clear my throat, "Sorry. I'm getting lost in thought. What were we talking about?"

Logan moves to pull her hand away, but my brain short circuits, threading our fingers together. She falters and stares at our intwined hands. "I-I...um...we were talking about France. You asked if I wanted to go, but I don't have money to spare on a last second trip, so thanks for the invite, bu-"

"No!" I blurt out loudly, causing heads to turn and look at us. Oh Jesus. "Fuck, sorry. That was really loud. You don't need to spend any money though. I'm inviting you so I'll cover everything."

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