24: hunter

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"Who drank all the coffee?" I hear Mirabelle complain as I walk down the stairs, finishing pulling my shirt down as I do. Fuck, I hope there's more coffee. I can survive without it, but Logan can't.

"Does it matter? Just make more," Dad says and I know how well that's going to go over.

"Whoever drank the last of it should have started another pot. That's literally how the rules of coffee work."

"Rules of coffee? Do you even hear yourself?" JJ's voice says and I'm not prepared for his sarcasm to fixate on me next. "So I hear that you're comparing my kid to a pile of mashed potatoes?" JJ asks, drinking his cup of coffee. I hope Mirabelle steals his cup.

Mirabelle sputters as I glare at her, "Hang on, you never told me I couldn't tell JJ and technically I didn't, Henry did."

"After you told him! What happened to sibling solidarity?"

"Henry is the only one around here I can trust." JJ shakes his head like a disappointing dad. "Can't believe you would compare Ash to mashed potatoes of all things. Why couldn't he be a pile of gummy bears? They just sit there too, but they taste a lot better."

I drag my hand over my face, "You guys are exhausting. Mira, start another pot of coffee or Logan's going to lose her marbles."

"Aw how cute. You're asking me to make coffee for your 'she's not my girlfriend'. Make it yourself and then bring me a cup while you're at it." Mirabelle waves a hand dismissively at me causing Dad to chokes on his coffee.

"What the hell crawled up all your asses this morning?" He asks, setting down his sudoko book.

"It wasn't coffee crawling up Mira's," I make sure to say it loud enough for her to hear me as I walk to the coffee pot to make another pot.

"Dude, nice." JJ says, offering me a fist bump. "But I'm still mad at you."

"Sorry? Next time I'll compare him to a gummy bear." I really don't understand my brother, but I do love him. "How's the second gummy bear coming along?"

"Making her violently sick all the time, but we're excited."

Dad shuts his sudoku book, "Gross."

JJ gives him a weird look, "You realize that Mom was pregnant three times right?"

"I know, that's why I can say gross. She was a demon when she was pregnant that last time. I got snipped for a reason is all I can say." Dad says and I do my best to shove that to the part of the brain that will never remind me of this horrifying moment. "So Hunter, when are you going to ask Logan to be your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I think I agree. I like this one." JJ interjects, taking a seat on one of the barstools.

"I don't know." It's something I do want to accomplish sooner than later, but I also don't want to do it without telling her about the bet. That stupid moment is continuing to come back to bite me in the ass. I mean technically, according to the terms of the bet, I've already won, but I haven't told anyone that Logan and I had sex. This isn't something I want to win, or really something I want to admit to her. I could have done it last night, but there was already so many other things I had to admit to and cover that I didn't know how to throw that in there.

But I sure found time to admit that I like her. God, I'm a fucking idiot. I should have told Logan. I should have just never made the stupid bet in the first place.

I still feel like I gave her the cliff notes version. I guess the rest of it will come up when it comes up.

"Hello?" Dad asks, waving his hand at me to get my attention.

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