04: hunter

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I can feel her staring at me. It's unnerving, just like the softness Logan had on her face when she apologized for making a joke about addicts.

In any other situation, I probably would have let it go. I would have taken the bullet too close to home and smiled my way through whatever emotions I need to deal with before forgetting about it.

But I think in some way, it bothers me that Logan can laugh and smile at other people then look at me with such disdain and hate. I was going to apologize to her. Finn and Grant made me promise that I would because it's been one class and as partners, we have a long way to go before we're done with each other.

I made a joke because I was nervous and then because I was nervous, I word vomited and commented on how short Logan is. She really is short though. I know that I'm taller than most guys, but on the athlete spectrum, I'm average at six foot two. Standing next to Logan made me feel like I'm around my nieces and nephews.

Clearly Logan has an issue with her height because everything spiraled from there. She just thinks she has me all figured out, but I'm not the dumb jock she assumes I am. I'm not the kind of person to let someone else pull all the weight and then slap your name on it at the end.

I didn't want to let her see how the shit she flung at me bothered me so I sat down and started talking next to Klaire. Do I want to roll my eyes every time she brings up the fact her name starts with a K instead of a C? Yes, but I'm going to be nice, smile, and laugh a little bit. Something that I think Logan should try.

So yeah. I lost my cool when she made the joke about addicts. It's not common knowledge that JJ has a drug problem, nor does he want it to be common knowledge. Since he got clean after Asher's death, there's been a couple of rough patches, but I admire Marley for sticking by him. It's not his fault that he is the way he is. JJ was overprescribed narcotics by doctors that should have been playing closer attention, and after that, his brain chemistry was permanently altered.

Taking drugs that can kill you with an overdose is not the same thing as getting your caffeine fix.

I lift my head up from the tablet I've been scribbling our ideas on with a stylus to find that Logan is in fact staring at me.

"If you have something to say, just say it and stop staring at me." I say candidly.

Logan sets her pencil down and I wonder if maybe I did the wrong thing by poking the bear. "Are you addicted to drugs?" She asks, thankfully using a quiet enough voice level that I'm positive no one else heard.


Her head tilts, Logan's dark eyes narrowing slightly. "Then why did my joke bother you so much?"

I should have just kept my fucking mouth shut and let her wonder. "Finding offense to your joke does not make me a drug addict. I have a...cousin that was overprescribed narcotics after an injury and became an addict. It's not like they woke up one day and decided, hey let's go try drugs and see how much fun it is." I say despite the fact I don't have a cousin. Nice save Hunter. You were just thinking about how JJ doesn't want people to know and then you almost tell some chick in your class that hates you about it. She'd probably sell it to some fucking tabloid. Logan wouldn't be the first person to do it to my family, nor will she be the first girl to take something I say or do and sell it.

"Okay," Logan says. "I'm sorry they went through that."

I study her closely, waiting for the kicker where she tells me that in someway, it was probably my fault. But Logan doesn't. She doesn't shy away from my scrutiny either. "Thanks," I say after a minute, feeling the clear tension between us. "Now I know that I have a handsome face, but if we could focus on brainstorming our story, that'd be great." I purposefully call our script a story to get under Logan's skin. This conversation was becoming a little too heavy for me, and if there's one thing I understand about her, anything I say is wrong. Logan has her apparent opinions about me, and I'm not exactly in the mood to convince her that I'm not who she thinks I am.

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