39: logan

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"I need you to remind me why you're still mad at him when he's doing every possible thing to fix what he did." Isabel says, walking into my room as I finish up an assignment. My hand is a little sore sometimes, but I'm glad to be done with the splint.

I catch sight of the cup of coffee that Hunter brought me this morning is sitting on my desk next to the gift card he brought last week.

I'm starting to wonder why I'm mad at him too.

"Because." I say and she groans.

"Lo, the man was waiting outside our front door with your favorite thing in the whole world so that when you went to class, you didn't have to stop to get it." She says exasperatedly.

"Izzy, he made a bet that he would be able to fuck me by the end of the semester so that he could drive a stupid car for two weeks. A car! That is what I'm worth." I say, trying to get my point across, but even I am faltering on how much longer I should be mad at him for. I see how hard Hunter is trying to fix what he did, but it's not that easy for me. Maybe I'm trying too hard to stay mad at him.

"In his defense, it was a really nice expensive car." Isabel interjects quietly and I stare at her flatly.

"You're not supposed to be defending him." I remind her quickly.

"You're also supposed to be trying to forgive him. It's okay if you like knowing that you have the power, but don't abuse it and keep Hunter hooked if you have no intention of actually forgiving him."

Remi decides this is the time to poke her head in as well to give her thoughts on the matter. "She has a really good point Logan."

"I want to forgive him!" I snap, instantly feeling guilty based on the expressions on their faces. "Look, I'm not just keeping him hooked. I want to forgive Hunter, but there's a lot more to it than just forgiving him. He has to forgive himself too if we're going to work."

"Well have you told him that?"

A sigh slips from my mouth, "No. Not yet."

Isabel pulls her phone out, "I can call him if you want to tell him now."

"What? No! I can call him myself. Besides, he's not even on campus anymore." I mutter under my breath, remembering the other part of the reason he stopped by this morning was to let me know in person that he'd be gone for a few days to visit JJ and Marley at his parents' house for a few days. Hunter told me if I needed him, I could call at any time and he'd be there for me.

"Call him." Remi agrees and I think I could scream. I understand they like Hunter. I like Hunter too.

"It's not that simple."

Isabel holds her phone out. "See you take the phone. You click on Hunter's name, and then you press the call button. Hold it up to your ear like this," She even holds it up to her ear as if I've never made a single phone call in my twenty-one years on earth. "Hopefully he answers, and then you just have a conversation with him where you profess your undying love for him. It's simple."

Remi covers her mouth with her hand to stop from laughing. Meanwhile I grab an extra pillow off my bed, throwing it at them in the doorway. "Go away. If I call him, it will be because I want to talk to him, not because you're forcing me to."

It must finally dawn on them that I really don't want to talk about this right now because they quickly exit my room, taking care to shut the door behind them.

I do my best to push any thought of the tall football player out of my mind because once I fall down that rabbit hole, I don't know if I'll recover.

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