08: hunter

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I've been in an awful mood all day. Grant has been giving me a wide berth since I got back from my study session with Logan, and my anger radiated off me in waves.

I'm not angry with her. I'm angry with the whole fucking Bailey situation. I'm not playing the blame game. I can live with the choices I made, but the hardest part is knowing the role I had in the way everything went down. I put a girl over family and I never should have.

Regardless of if that girl was Kaitlyn.

Now the whole world knows about what Bailey did to survive and it will probably always be the first thing people think of when they hear his name. He deserves to be remembered for more than that. Mirabelle and Henry will never outlive their leaked photos, but there's been plenty in the tabloids since then that it's not the immediate question anymore.

It's really fine that Logan's mom asked about Bailey. What's not fine was my reaction when she tried to be nice and I blew up at her.

I definitely owe her an apology later; I hope she doesn't make me grovel too much but I get it if she does.

"-inn I can't bring her here yet. Hunt's still stomping around and he'll lose his shit if I bring her here right now." I hear Grant through my door and my piqued interest results in me opening it as he stands there with a downright guilty look.

"Bring who here right now?" I ask, trying to make my voice nicer, but it still comes out demanding.

Grant jumps half out of his skin, "Babe, I'll call you back. Don't do anything."

"Don't do anything with who?"

"Okay, you can be super pissed at me, I'll understand, but I did it for both of us." He says nervously and it does little to make me feel better about whatever he did. My blank unwavering stare makes Grant stuff his hands in his pockets. "I got us a dog."


There's no way he just said he got us a dog. I didn't ask for a dog and I'm pretty sure I told him we weren't getting a dog. I entertained the idea two weeks ago, but there's no way in hell he would actually do this without talking to me.

His silence tells me that he's not joking.

"You what?" I ask incredulously, needing Grant to repeat himself so I can make sure that I heard him correctly.

He at least has the gall to look guilty for doing it. "Hunt, she just looked so sad. I couldn't leave her there."

"For fuck's sake Grant. We don't have time for a fucking dog!" I snap quickly, dragging my hands through my hair. "You should have talked to me. Take her back."

"Wait, you haven't even—"

"Take her back or keep her at Finn's place. I don't care, but she can't stay here. I don't want something else to be a fuck up at."

Grant looks astonished and I almost regret the words enough to take them back immediately, but I don't. My admission is more than I'm willing to deal with at this current moment.

I swipe my keys, leaving the apartment immediately before I can create anymore waves with people who don't deserve my anger.

Once I get out of the city, I just drive, focusing on anything but the thoughts swirling in my head. What the hell is wrong with me?

"You know there's nothing wrong with being the quiet one." Kait says simply, but the words echo in my head as I stare up at the stars in the sky.

I don't like being loud and talking about my feelings and emotions all the time. I enjoy keeping to myself. Sure, being on the football field is fun and all, but because I'm quiet, when I speak, people actually listen to me.

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