07: logan

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I cannot believe I agreed to this.

I slump lower into my seat, keeping my head angled away from the open area of tables at the coffee shop I'm at with Hunter. Yeah. I said that right. I'm here with Hunter and I want to die.

If I could have come incognito, I would have. Fake glasses, mustache, wig, the whole shebang. Instead, I have to settle for my hat and large sweatshirt to keep me unrecognizable.

The only reason he was able to lure me here is because he offered to pay for my coffee the entire time we were here. So of course, I'm taking advantage of that. I'm on my third cup and after this, I'm pretty sure the owners are going to make me switch to decaf to ensure I don't have a heart attack on the premises.

Hunter has his laptop open in front of him and is actually working on our project. He's even wearing a pair of glasses, mumbling something about how he ran out of contacts and is waiting for more to come. I would absolutely never admit to him—or Kai for that matter—that I think they make him look even more attractive.

It's really quite annoying how easy he makes it look.

"Are you done trying to hide?" He asks, not bothering to look up from the computer.

Shit. I wish he wasn't perceptive. "I'm not trying to hide."

"Really? Well it kind of looks like your either trying to slip under the table that way no one sees you here with me, or you're about to slip under the table to give me a blow job so you might want to sit up."

My face scrunches up in disgust. "Dude, we're in public."

Now he looks up at me, his green eyes seeming almost brighter than normal. "And?"

"I'm not going to suck you off in public!" I whisper shout, motioning with my hands frantically because I truly don't know if I would ever live it down if anyone heard.

"Got it. So not in public, but maybe in my bedroom or yours?" He teases and I truly hate the way my body is reacting to the thought of oral sex with Hunter. I'm going to blame it on the fact that it's been a while since I've had any action outside of Dylan.

"No." I answer quickly, scowling at him. I really hate his glasses.

Hunter laughs softly, "Princess, you make this way too easy to rile you up."

"Well maybe if you didn't bring sex of any kind into every conversation, I wouldn't be so easy to rile up." I retort, refusing to sit up tall in my seat. I grab onto my coffee, just as my phone starts to ring next to it.

Taking one glance at the screen and my present company, I don't feel like subjecting myself to purgatory. I silence it, flipping it over, taking a long drink of my coffee satiating my rising temper.

I like to think I have a pretty reasonable grip on my temper, but there is something about Hunter's smug face that makes that leash a lot shorter.

Hunter lets the fact I ignored a phone call from my parents slide, but when it starts to vibrate loudly on the table, I'm afraid of the questions it might raise.

"You know, you can answer. Whoever it is can't judge you for being in the same vicinity as me because they can't see you here with me." He says, fingers flying across the keyboard.

"They would probably celebrate." I grumble, silencing the phone again.

Please please please just drop it. Don't call me back, Hunter don't pry into my family business. I did my best to refrain from clicking on anything other than the social media pages of Hunter's family. I would have felt like I was invading his privacy too much.

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