11: logan

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I've been so on edge about apologizing to Hunter that I accidentally got to class over twenty minute early. Logically, I know that he won't be here this early, but I don't want to give anyone else the opportunity to sit next to him before I can to make sure I apologize.

Daniel Carter walks in right after I had set my stuff down next to my seat, pulling out my journal that I wrote some ideas in for our script. We have a deadline coming up so I've started working on a baseline, but Hunter was MIA while in the Midwest. I prefer to think he wasn't ignoring me because I called him out over the phone or anything else I might have done.

I had some reflection time. Actually, I had a conversation with my parents that made me wonder if I was talking to Hunter the same way my parents talk to me; always asking him to be something other than who he is. So what if he enjoys sex? I might judge him for some of his choice in women, but I'm not judging him for having sex. Just ones that go by the name Klaire.

"Miss Miller, you're here early," Daniel Carter quips and I feel my cheeks flush at his sole attention. I can't help it; it's an involuntary reflex.

"Yeah, I um, I'm waiting for Hunter to get here."

He offers me a friendly smile, "Well it's a good thing class starts in twenty-three minutes and he should be here." Key emphasis on should. Part of me wants to say that Hunter hasn't missed a class, but there's no reason for me to say anything like that.

"Hopefully." I smile tightly, unsure of what to do. I feel like I've been waiting all semester so far for a chance to speak with Daniel Carter alone, but now that it's here, I don't entirely know what to say.

"How is your script coming? I'm intrigued by the premise you and Mr. Walker decided on." He says, leaning closer to me and while I don't love the script that we're writing, it's actually coming along kinda well. Hunter has decided to write from the female lead's perspective while I am writing from the male's. I can absolutely admit that I perhaps have taken things too far with my character, but we'll see what Hunter says about it when he reads my portion.

I realize I've been only answering in my head based on the expectant look on Daniel Carter's face. Oh shit. "I think it's going okay."

He ends up sitting in Hunter's normal seat and I can't help but glance at the door to see if Hunter's walking through it yet. I don't want him to sit somewhere else. Only for the reason that I can apologize of course. There's not another reason.

"You two had a rocky start in the beginning, but is it still not going well?"

"It's going fine. It's a learning curve, but we'll be okay," I quickly reassure him. The last thing I need is for one of the most well-known directors on Broadway to think I'm difficult to work with. As a woman, I'm supposed to be docile and soft spoken, but as a woman of color, I have to tread even more lightly. The labels can come out very quickly and if I hadn't been so zeroed in on hating Hunter, I might have remembered that before now.

"Based on some of the banter I've heard between you, I'm excited to read what you turn in this next round of edits."

"Would it actually be okay if I asked your opinion about a few things? If you have the time of course." I add the second sentence hastily after realizing that he might not actually want to look over it even if it is his job.

Daniel Carter's mouth curves up into a smile, "We might only have a couple minutes, but we can set something up during my office hours if you want my honest opinion?"

"Absolutely. I'll send you an email." I beam and he shakes his head quickly.

"That's okay, shoot me a text. I'll see it sooner." Daniel Carter says before rattling off his phone number. I don't even have time to question it, but I'm grateful he's willing to set up a time with me. A word of mouth recommendation from Daniel Carter would get me far in my hopeful career.

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