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To say life is being good these days would be an understatement. It's been a month since the day we introduced Kiaan to his family. He often visits them now and connected with them on a whole new level. Last night he had a sleepover there and surprisingly he didn't even miss me. I was so worried that I called every hour to check on him but my kid was too busy to pay any attention to his mother.

In the morning Arush dropped him to his playway and gave me the full report. Apparently he slept with him as Kiaan couldn't sleep alone. They had their father-son time and enjoyed too much. I hate to say this but I feel jealous. But I also feel relived to know that Kiaan is now comfortable with everyone.

"Dhara you coming tomorrow?" Arush asks knocking on my desk.

"Yes. I'll be there on time" I nod smiling.

The most amazing thing that happened is that his sister is coming back home after a decade. She will be arriving in the evening and there is no limit to their happiness right now. The company has given three days off to everyone with bonus on this occasion. His mother called to invite me personally for tomorrow lunch and to meet Shivika. I'm so happy for Arush and his family. They have suffered too much all these years with Shivika's separation.

"Still can't believe I'm going to see her" he ponders

"I can understand. Kiaan will be thrilled to meet her."

"You know Shivika loves children. When I told him about Kiaan she was ready to jump out of the screen." He chuckles softly

"You should go and prepare for her arrival. I'm also leaving" I stand picking up by bag

"I'll drop you" he said as we enter the elevator

"Seriously Arush? The apartment is just next block" I huff

"So what? I don't like leaving any opportunity to spend time with you" he winks

I rushes outside as I feel my face burning. This stupid man with his stupid handsome face always makes me feel like this. That's why I don't want to spend much time with him.

Thankfully he doesn't try his antics again and we reached my building after picking up Kiaan. He doesn't come upstairs saying he has to some work to finish. I shouldn't feel upset about that but somehow I'm feeling low because he didn't come. He really messed up my head.

"How was your sleepover pumpkin?" I ask Kiaan sitting beside him.

"Good" he responds cheerily

"You didn't miss mama, did you?" I narrow my eyes

"I did mama" he says innocently

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you call me?"

"I'm a big boy." He said like it explains everything. I laugh at his expression.

"Who told you this?"

"Uncle Cool" he beams.

"Who is that?" I blink but then I do the maths. Only one person can suggest this type of name and he is none other than Neil.

"He is cool." He then tells me all the 'cool' things they did together. Though most of them include Neil pissing off one of his brothers and then hiding behind Sharvari or his mother.

It feels good to know about them. I never had a big family or any for that matter but I always dreamed of one. Arush's family is perfect with all the chaos and love. They make you feel loved not by words only but also through their actions. I know I shouldn't be having these thoughts but there is a small voice inside me that questions what if I accept Arush again? I bury that voice before it can raise its volume. I can't have any second thoughts. No matter how good it all seems we aren't meant for each other.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now