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The sounds of my bangles clinking is audible clearly in this room. I look around and see everything as it was when I joined this school. Now my time is up. Mrs. Rai looks at me with sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Dhara but I have to close this school. I hope you will find a new job soon." She says with a small smile as she hands me my salary.

"Thank you Mrs. Rai for giving me this job when I needed it the most. I can surely understand your circumstances." I try to smile as I take my envelope.

I have been working in this school for almost three years. When I came here looking for a job I had nothing on me. I was just a 20 years old girl who was pregnant and held no college degree. I thought Mrs. Rai would also reject me but she gave me a chance to prove myself. And I did my best to prove my worth. I work for her school with all my devotion. But now she has to close this school as she is settling down in US with her son.

"Dhara wait. I actually have a recommendation for you. There is this lady that I know who is looking for a PA and I think you are perfect for that job. I'll send her your resume and maybe you can get a call from her." She informs me.

"This will be your huge help. Thank you so much." I smile at her gratefully as I leave her office.

I enter my workspace as I start collecting my belongings into a small box. I always loved working here that I never imagined I would have to leave this place someday. I need to find another job quickly. I can't sit idle for too long.

"Mama?" I turn to around to see my son walking towards me. I instantly crouch down as he runs to hug me.

"Hey pumpkin. Did you enjoy your last day?" I kiss his cheeks as he laughs.

"Yup yup." He grins.

His smiles are just like his father's. He looks just like his father. Same brown eyes. Dark hair. Sometimes when I look into my sons' eyes I think I'm looking into his eyes. My heart still aches thinking about him but thankfully I have my sunshine to brighten my mood.

"Is anyone hungry?" I pick up my box and holds Kiaan's hand as we move outside of the building.

I name my son Kiaan because it means grace of god. And he indeed is grace to me. He is the reason I wake up daily to live my life when I often think about ending it. When I found about my pregnancy at the age of 20 I was so scared. But my child turned out to be my biggest blessing. He is my miracle baby. The one I never thought I needed until the day he was born.

"Mama. I want fries." He says looking at me with his puppy eyes.

"Okay pumpkin. But later you have to eat veggies."

"But veggies are bad taste." He makes disgusted face and I chuckle.

"You'll get fries only when you'll agree to eat veggies. Do we have a deal now?" I ask him hiding my smile.

"Uhhh!!! Okay." He pouts so cutely.

We turned around the corner to walkdown the alleyway where our building is located. One of the reason I love working at that school is that it is near my house. And Kiaan also studies there so I don't have to worry about him additionally. I don't know how I'm going to manage now. God please help me.

We enter our building that screams it needs immediate care. The walls are moulded and paint is drying off the wall. I open my apartment door as we walk inside. My apartment has only one bedroom and a small hall. There is a small space for kitchen and only one bathroom. I know it is too small but I can't afford anything much more than this. I was saving money to change my place but now with the job gone I have to rely on my savings for survival.

MY REDEMPTION (MINE SERIES #2)Where stories live. Discover now