TWENTYFIVE - Dead people don't talk

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Isabella had thought that the second time she was waiting to be called into the witness stand would be less nerve-wracking than it had been the first time around during Knux's trial. But the forty minutes she was already sitting on the same uncomfortable chair, that she had sat on just a week ago, had turned out to be filled with anxiety and uncertainty.

The only thing stopping her worries from spiraling into a full-blown panic attack was the knowledge that, regardless of today's outcome, she would be back in Knux's arms when it was all over. And he would help her deal with the emotional outfall. He was like the metaphorical light house while she was still lost at sea most of the time. Knowing that this was exactly what he wanted to be for her was one of the best feelings.

He was her safe haven.

The door to the courtroom opened and Isabella shot up from her seat, ready to get this over with.

"Miss Franklin-Gutsburry, please step inside."

This time, the court clerk was an elderly man with a very serious look on his face.

Isabella nodded and squared her shoulders.

She was going to put on her big girl pants and fight for Wrecker the same way he had fought for her. She was a Steel Rebel. And Steel Rebels had each other's backs.

She could do this.

After her little motivational up-psyching - which she had actually put together in her head already on the previous evening - she stepped through the side door into the courtroom.

The set up was the same as during Knux's trial. The judge - this time a middle-aged man - sat on the podium and the jury to his left. Then followed the desk with Isabella's father and his lawyer on the prosecution side, which she didn't stop to look at, and across the corridor sat Wrecker with Donovan Sturbinger in the defense. Behind them were most members of the Steel Rebels in the audience, with Knux in the first row.

Isabella caught his eye for a moment, and he gave her a quick nod.

She could do this.

Encouraged, she smiled and glanced at Wrecker, who was his usual grumpy self, but softened his features a little upon catching her gaze. Then she headed to the witness stand. This time there was no interpreter sitting next to it, but a small computer with a keyboard stood on the desk.

The formalities were the same as last time and then Donovan got up to start his questioning.

"Isabella, thank you for standing witness today and for the statement that you've given to the police yesterday."

He didn't smile, but his tone was friendly.

"Based on what you know about the accused, would you say that Mr. Connor is a violent person?"

Isabella thought for a moment before writing her answer down.

"I think he is protective and defensive."

"And he protects and defends with his fists?" Donovan asked for clarification.

"If the situation is dire enough. I think he mostly uses words or tries to avoid that there is a need for physical protection in the first place," she answered honestly.

Donovan nodded.

"In what kind of situations have you seen Mr. Connor use physical protection?"

Isabella swallowed and then continued typing.

"He has used it when I've been threatened several months ago, but he first tried to disperse the situation with words."

"Was he the first to make a move?" Donovan wanted to know.

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