TWENTYTWO - Trouble always knocks twice

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Note: dealing with some PTSD symptoms in this chapter. Please be safe <3


"Are you going to be okay without me for a little while, babygirl?"

Isabella looked up from where she was taking Sir Hopper's measurements and nodded. Knux was heading to officer church and she had decided that she was going to start making clothes for her new friend. She had found a nice blue t-shirt of hers to cut up that was the perfect shade. She was sure that it would look great on Sir Hopper.

"Send me a message if you need me or come to the meeting room," Knux said and pocketed his phone.

She nodded again.

Yes, daddy.

She gave him a big smile. She would be fine. She would behave like a big girl. And then when he came back, she would show him Sir Hopper's new outfit. He had said that he couldn't wait to see it.

"Good," he nodded as well and then came over to kiss her forehead. 

Isabella smiled and then turned her face up with her lips puckered. Knux chuckled and kissed her lips as well.

"I'll be back soon," he promised and then left for the meeting.

Isabella turned back to her task of cutting and hand sewing the small pieces of fabric. She had the best time, as she talked and joked with Sir Hopper in her head. He was really funny and was very much looking forward to having a nice looking knight outfit. Once it was finished, they could go on more adventures together and he didn't need to worry about getting his fur dirty. Because he didn't like bathing.

When Isabella was almost finished, she looked up and thought hard. She only had to add a couple of buttons to the vest she had made. But the buttons she had at hand were not the right color. Sir Hopper didn't like them and Isabella also agreed that white buttons for a white bunny weren't a great choice!

And idea popped into her head and she scrambled up from the bed. 

Heli had hundreds of pretty nail polishes. Isabella would ask her it they could paint the buttons in a nice color. This would solve the problem. Sir Hopper liked the idea and he also wanted to show Heli the new clothes he had gotten. He was very proud of them.

Isabella took Sir Hopper in his almost finished vest and pants under her arm and the plain white buttons in her other hand. Giddy with excitement, she skipped down the hall to Heli's and Shades' room.

She couldn't wait to show off what she had made.

The door was closed but a sign hung on the outside.

Come in, if you dare.

Isabella giggled quietly. Her friends were silly. Why wouldn't she dare to come in? Heli and Shades were some of the best persons she knew!

Feeling that she didn't need to knock, because the sign literally said to come in, Isabella pushed down the handle and skipped into the room.

 Iron Knuckles

Hazzard was the last to arrive to officer church. Knux and the others had been waiting for him already for fifteen minutes, because the VP had to finish a discussion with Kitty first.

Hammer & Anvil (Steel Rebels MC #2) [Ongoing]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant