FIVE - Pinky promise

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Isabella noticed Roman giving her worried side glances while they drove to Anton's house. They didn't talk. Isabella wasn't sure if she was even able to speak at the moment. The fear that their father had instilled in her earlier in the day still ran very deep. Her newfound fighting spirit had once again been suffocated by him.

It was always the same.

It was as if her parents could somehow sense when she was trying to venture off whatever track they wanted her to take and then they had to put an end to it.

"I haven't told Anton that you're also coming," Roman said quietly, when he stopped the car.

Isabella nodded slowly. Her head was a terrible mess. She knew she was heading towards a major breakdown but she also knew that she right now had to be here.

"It'll be alright," he said and squeezed her hand.

Isabella was aware she had to try harder to appear as if nothing was wrong, if she wanted to convince her brother that she was alright.

But she couldn't.

Her father had scared her on such a primal level that it had shaken her to the core.

Roman got out and rounded the car to open the door for her. She slowly got out and almost fell down. Somehow her body wasn't cooperating. Lucky for her, Roman caught her by the arm before she could.

"Isa?" He asked alarmed and tried to pull her up.

"I-I'm fine," she mumbled, even though she didn't feel it. 

Her head didn't feel fine. And somehow she couldn't get her muscles to move the way they normally did. She felt faint and nauseous, even though there was nothing in her stomach. She had already puked several times after her father had let her go.

Her own history repeating itself.

"The hell you are," Roman said.

When she stumbled again, he picked her up bridal style. Isabella felt him move around but couldn't fully process what was happening. A doorbell rang and a few moments later a door opened.

"Woah. What's going on?" She heard Anton ask.

"I don't know, man. She was fine a minute ago," Roman answered.

The coolness of AC-regulated air felt nice against her hot skin. She was placed on a soft surface, probably a sofa. 

Her head and whole body felt really heavy. Maybe she just needed a little nap.


Roman appeared in front of her field of vision.

"What's wrong? Talk to me," he said sounding panicky.

"I... don't ... know."

Talking was difficult. Her tongue weighted a ton.

A hand was placed on her head.

"She's burning up. She needs a doctor," Anton said.

Doctor? She didn't want to see a doctor. They would call her parents.

"No," she croaked.

"Isa, you're having some sort of stroke or seizure or something. Someone needs to check you," Roman argued.

"No, no hospital, please," she said almost crying.

"Okay, no hospital, but a doctor," her brother replied, agreeing in concern.

Anton crouched down next to Roman and held out a glass of water with a straw.

"Drink something. Maybe it's the heat. I can call my aunt. She's a doctor."

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