THIRTEEN - Everyone has a price

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When Isabella woke up the next morning, her head was again very quiet. But unlike the day before she was at least somewhat able to catch some coherent thoughts. It wasn't totally blank anymore. She remembered her mother coming in at some point last night, after Isabella had ended her call with Roman and making her take two pills again. After that things became quite fuzzy. It had been another struggle but her mother had won once again.

Isabella hated being forced to take the medicine that seemed to numb her mind completely but she also couldn't deny the relief it bought when there was no chaos in her head. It was almost as good as when she dropped into subspace. A sad smile spread over her face. She would probably never experience that sensation ever again of trusting someone so deeply that she could just completely let go. She knew that she was supposed to marry John Winkler soon and that thought scared her.

Feeling terribly alone and missing Knux so much that it made her think that her heart was literally breaking into a million little fragments, Isabella curled up in herself. Maybe she could just disappear.

She wished she could just disappear.

She hadn't wished for that in several years.

She didn't know how long she just laid there feeling miserable and unable to do anything about it. But at some point the door to her room was unlocked and she sat up slowly. Her mother came in together with their family doctor. Her mother looked angry but that was a permanent feature at the moment.

"Fix her," her mother demanded before heading out of the room the same way, leaving Isabella alone with Doctor Phillis.

Their family physician walked over to her and dropped his bag onto her desk, before taking Isabella's desk chair and pulling it up to the side of the bed that she was sitting on.

"Your mother tells me that you aren't speaking," Doctor Phillips said and took a seat.

Isabella didn't like the doctor. She didn't trust him, thus she only looked at him without showing any reaction. He didn't care about her anyway. He cared about the money that her parents paid him.

"We both know that this is just one of your rebellions," the doctor continued. "And you also know that this won't get you very far. So, you better drop the act."

Isabella now stared at the doctor. He obviously didn't believe that she wasn't doing this on purpose. This was nothing new. But she wasn't making this up. She literally couldn't form words out loud.

"Speak after me," Doctor Phillis sighed annoyed. "My name is Isabella."

My name is Isabella, she thought but nothing else happened.

Doctor Phillis gave her an expectant look.
"Well? Say it!"

My name is Isabella.

Again nothing happened. Not even her lips moved. Isabella could feel herself getting flustered. She wasn't doing this on purpose. Something was wrong with her.

That realization sunk into her gut like a stone into water.

Something wasn't right.

Like really not right.

She couldn't speak. Couldn't the doctor understand that she wasn't trying to be difficult?

Isabella grabbed her phone and typed a message. Then she showed it to the doctor.

"You're unable to speak?" Doctor Phillis echoed the words she had written.

Isabella nodded.

I'm trying but nothing happens, she continued.

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