TWENTY - Ball of fury

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A/N: a bit of smut ahead :)

Iron Knuckles

Being back at the police station just a couple of days after being released from prison was something Knux had hoped to avoid. However, Isabella wanted to see Wrecker and Knux actually wanted to talk to his friend as well. But he just had wished this meeting to happen anywhere else. Knux could feel the memories from the last months creeping up his spine, as the anger and helplessness came back like a sickness.

Knux wondered if someone should have come along with them. He wasn't sure if he would be able to stay very long without feeling like he was suffocating under emotions he was trying to bury. Someone should be there for Isabella in case he had to leave. Knux hadn't told her that he was apprehensive of this visit, because he hadn't wanted to worry her. She had so much of her own problems to deal with right now. She didn't need his as well. But the further they walked into the station, the more he realized that he should have at least given her some sort of heads up.

Knux saw Isabella glancing up, like she knew that something was bothering him. Knux ground his teeth. He was angry with himself for not being stronger. Being afraid wasn't a common feeling for him and it frustrated him to no end.

"He's waiting for you in here," the officer that had been guiding them to one of the visitation rooms said and opened the door to a plain room.

Wrecker was sitting handcuffed behind a table. He looked up when the three of them entered.

For a few moments nobody said anything. Wrecker looked at Knux and Isabella with his lips pulled into a thin line. Knux nodded at his friend. His throat felt unusually tight. 

Wrecker had saved his girl. Without him, Isabella would possibly not stand here anymore.

Isabella pulled her hand out of Knux's and then rushed over to the club president. Wrecker lifted his bound arms and put them around Isabella's shoulders while she hugged him around the middle.

"Oh, princess," Wrecker said in an unusually gruff and emotional voice.

Isabella squeezed herself closer to him. Knux could see her shoulders staring to shake. His own feelings also started to get the better of him. He crossed the distance to his girl and his friend in a few strides and then pulled both of them into a hug.

"Thank you," Knux told Wrecker in a choked up voice.

"Anytime again," Wrecker replied sounding equally emotional.

Who would have thought that the two of them could be reduced to tears like this?

"It's good to see you walking free," Wrecker said to Knux when they had all sat down.

Isabella was still sniffling and Knux held her cuddled into his chest.

"Vronikov's kid sniper confessed," Knux replied. "Wasn't much that the judge could do against that."

"No, I guess not," Wrecker agreed. "It's also good to see you, princess." 

He nodded at Isabella, who wiped her face.

"Duke and Donovan have told me that you're still having problems with speaking," Wrecker continued.

Isabella nodded sadly.

"Doc said that it might take a long time," Knux replied for her. "Today was her first therapy session with a sign language specialist."

They had spent the morning again at the hospital. Isabella had had an appointment with a therapist, who was focusing on nonverbal communication. She had shown them some simple signs to make every day communication easier.

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