TWENTYONE - Fluffy socks

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Note: I'm happy that so many liked the small interlude with Kitty and Hazzard. Anyone else thinking that their kid will be the cutest little rascal that will constantly come up with mischief? :D


The next morning, Isabella was sure someone had put lead into her arms and legs. They were twice as heavy as normally and ached with every movement. She had known to expect this level of discomfort, since Knux had put her through a very intense boxing training after she had attacked Vixen. He had claimed that it would help her get rid of the immense anger she had felt over Vixen being so mean to Kitty.

And it had helped. Actually, it had been relieving to punch something and Isabella started to understand why someone would take up boxing as a hobby.

But now she felt like her whole body had been rolled over by a truck.

"Do you want me to carry you to the kitchen, babygirl?" Knux asked, when they wanted to head for breakfast.

For the last fifteen minutes he had watched her move around their room with the speed of a snail, trying to get dressed.

Isabella nodded, giving him a sad, hopeful pout. Walking all the way to the kitchen did not sound very appealing right now.

She regretted already that she had agreed last night to meeting Roman and Melody for lunch later on. Right now she would rather not leave the bed at all.

Knux smirked and gathered her into his arms.
"Don't worry. Tomorrow you won't be as sore any more," he told her.

Isabella wasn't sure if that was supposed to comfort her.

Tomorrow was still a long time away.

But maybe she could get Knux to carry her around at least a few times. He seemed to be sympathetic to her pain.

The kitchen was almost empty, because it was late in the morning. Kitty and Hazzard were still there. They sat next to each other at a table, looking rather cozy together. Isabella blushed, even though she was happy for their friends. But her and Knux had had to listen to Kitty's excited screams for quite a while last night, while they had snuggled in bed, watching some TV. Apparently, Kitty's worries had been for naught and her and Hazzard had made up over several rounds of sexy times.

"Morning," Knux said and then sat Isabella down on the bench opposite of Kitty and Hazzard.

She gave them a small wave, but it made her arm ache and she stopped again quickly.

"Morning," Kitty replied with a bright smile.

She looked so happy that Isabella couldn't help but smile back. Even Hazzard seemed less grumpy than usual. She liked her friends being happy.

They deserved to be happy.

"All good?" Knux asked with a nod.

"Yep!" Kitty replied, letting the word end in a popping sound. 

"Good stuff. We thought that we heard you two celebrate for half of the night," Knux grinned.

Isabella shook her head at his teasing.

Kitty had the decency to blush a bit.
"Sorry if we kept you awake."

"I'm not. They need to get used to it. The baby will also scream at night," Hazzard commented with a shrug. "I'd call it exposure therapy."

Isabella started to giggle silently, while Knux snorted a laugh.

"You are impossible," Kitty told Hazzard and slapped his arm.

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