Interlude - The eternal bachelor

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A/N: This isn't a full chapter - more like a bonus scene that I wanted to write. Everyone wants to know what's happening with Kitty and Hazzard <3
Ps: make sure that you didn't miss the previous chapter 20. It was only released a day before this one. :)


Hazzard closed the door to his bedroom after he and Kitty had gotten in. He was angry and upset. He felt betrayed by someone who he considered a friend.

"So?" He asked impatiently, when Kitty didn't start speaking.

He dropped onto his bed, which was just as messy as he had left it this morning. He gave Kitty an expectant look. She was suddenly so meek and Hazzard hated it. He liked Kitty being loud and outgoing.

"Is it true?"

"Yes," she replied, looking around insecurely.

"All of it? The kid is mine?" Hazzard wanted to know.

"Yes." She nodded a little.

"How can you be so sure? I thought you had gotten your shot in time," he asked.

Now Kitty finally looked him in the eye.
"So did I. But it has to be yours because there was no accident with anyone else. I'm sure."

Hazzard ground his teeth. He believed Kitty. She wasn't a liar. If she didn't know she would say so. But that didn't mean it made Hazzard feel less betrayed. 

She had kept this from him for months.

He would understand if she had just found out and hadn't yet had the chance to digest the information herself.

"Then why didn't you fucking speak to me? It has been months since that happened. Why did it have to come to Vixen being on some sort of revenge trip and showing you and me up like total dicks?"

Hazzard was getting louder. It had been more than four months.

How was it even possible to keep it a secret for so long?

"And shouldn't you be already having a bump?" He asked, but then a horrible thought hit him. "Or is there something wrong with the baby?"

Kitty shook her head and then lifted her shirt. It was rather loose, so it had hidden her stomach rather well. She indeed had a small, now noticeable belly.

"Everything's fine. It's just a small belly."

Hazzard nodded. Somehow seeing the evidence had rendered him speechless.

He was going to be a father.

He had no fucking idea how to be a father. He had never met his own and the families in the foster care system that he had grown up in, also hadn't provided anyone that he would consider a good father figure.

"I understand if you don't want it. I will do this on my own. But please don't throw me out. At least not yet. I need some time to find a flat and to move my stuff," Kitty said quickly.

"Throw you out?" Hazzard echoed. "You ain't going anywhere, KitKat. Not you. Not the baby."

He couldn't let his own child go through what he had gone through. He might not know shit about being a parent but his kid would have a better childhood than he had.

Kitty started sobbing.

"Why are you crying now?" He asked confused.

Sometimes he didn't get women. Kitty wasn't usually one to be very mushy, which was another thing that Hazzard liked about her.

"Ho-ormones," she cried. "And I've been so worried for months."

Hazzard rolled his eyes.

"That could have been avoided, if you had just fucking talked to me, KitKat. You know I only bite, when you ask me nicely."

Kitty gave a snorting, messy laugh and then started wiping her eyes.
"The last time you did, it took a week for the mark to fade."

"Good. The next one will last two weeks," Hazzard promised.

Kitty squeaked in surprise. She did that, when she was particularly excited about something. Especially when it involved sex. She was a little sex nymph.

"Does that mean, you haven't let anyone fuck you in a while?" He asked.

There was no way, the guys wouldn't have started to ask questions if they saw her naked now. 

Kitty blushed.
"It's only been you since I found out three months ago. And we last fucked was more than a month ago."

"Just with me?"

Hazzard felt his jaw hit the floor.

Kitty shrugged.
"It didn't feel right with anyone else. I mean, I gave head a few times, but nothing else."

"Fuck," Hazzard mumbled and rubbed his chin.

Normally Kitty didn't last longer than a week without any vitamin D. He would need to make it up to her.

"Is that how you want it to be from now on? Just us?" He asked.

She shrugged again.
"I don't want to tie you down, Haz. I don't expect you to make me your Old Lady. I'm fine if me and the baby can stay here and the two of us can be friends. Co-parenting, you know."


That word left a bitter taste in Hazzard's mouth. He didn't want to fucking co-parent.

"No," he said in a resolute voice. "That's not how it's going to work, KitKat. We will move your shit into this room on the weekend. Because I need to keep an eye on you. In this bed, only us will be fucking from now on. No others. If you want to involve someone else, we do it together. No fucking around without the other one knowing. Are we clear?"

Kitty gave him a look like she thought he had gone nuts.

To be honest, Hazzard wondered the same thing.

Hadn't he sworn himself that he was never settling down? 

Hazzard, the eternal bachelor.

Apparently that was a whole truck load of bullshit.

"You want me to move in?" Kitty asked incredulously. "What if I don't want to move in? What if I don't want to make sure you're okay with whom I'm fucking?"

She was finally getting her fighting spirit back.

Hazzard smirked.
"Well, tough luck. Right now, I'm making the rules, because you have lied to me for months, little babymama. So, you will now go take a nice long shower to relax, while I get some snacks. Then you will eat, because you will need a lot of energy tonight. While I'll clean up, you will make sure that you won't have to be at work in the morning and then I expect to find you on your fucking hands and knees in the middle of the bed, waiting for my cock."

"And if I don't?" She asked back challengingly.

Hazzard felt his dick twitching in excitement. He loved her feistiness.

"Does the little kitten think that she can play with then big cats?"

Kitty grinned back sassily.
"I remember the little kitten making this big tiger once cum so hard that he passed out. I think I can handle him."

"We will see about that," Hazzard agreed. "Now, off to shower unless you want to be unable to sit down for a week without thinking about my cock in your ass, KitKat."

A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this scene. They are so different from Isabella and Knux :)
Should I write more about Kitty and Hazzard? Maybe in a sort of short story/novella? 

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