TWENTYFOUR - New territory

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Thank you for all the lovely comments on the last chapter. It has helped me a lot in the last weeks to find the energy to continue with this story.


Isabella was humming silently while she was making a crown out of the flowers she had found in the backyard. They were mostly daisies and dandelions. She liked the simple but pretty blossoms.

It was another warm, golden late summer day. Knux had put a picnic blanket for them in the more secluded corner of the yard and then gone back into the house to pick up some drinks for them.

It had been his idea to spend a few hours in the garden just enjoying the nice weather. Isabella had instantly agreed because she couldn't think of anything better than to cuddle with him and not have anything to do until the early afternoon. The last days hadn't been good and yesterday had been a particularly bad day. They needed some time together where they could just relax and enjoy each other's company.

They had talked briefly last night about the previous day and Isabella had apologized for how she had acted. But it was difficult to shake the feeling of guilt over what had happened, even though Knux had said that he wasn't upset with her. But he was the last person she wanted to hurt or disappoint.

"I brought some pillows if we want to take a nap," Knux said when he came back and dropped a few cushions next to Isabella onto the blanket.

He placed a small basket with other items down and then lowered himself next to her.

"Come here, precious."

Knux popped a bottle of sunscreen open and squirted a sizable blob into his hand. Isabella put the flowers down and held her arms out to him, when he motioned her to do so. Her heart fluttered at how thoughtful he was. She hadn't remembered to protect her skin.

He gently rubbed the exposed skin until every part was covered in a thin, slightly sticky film. Then he proceeded to the parts of her legs, which weren't covered by his t-shirt. She was once again wearing one in lieu of her own clothes. Last, he spread another generous amount over her cheeks and nose, which made her wrinkle her nose playfully.

With a satisfied nod, he put the bottle away and then scooted over so he was sitting behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into his chest. He rested his chin on top of her head and then exhaled loudly.

Isabella got the feeling that he wanted to talk about something, but he stayed quiet. She was tempted to pull out her phone and ask but decided against it and tried to squash the nervous feeling in her stomach down. He always gave her time to gather her thoughts. After a few more deep sighs and more silence, she turned her head to snuggle her face into his chest, nudging him gently with her nose.

He hummed and then pulled her even closer.

Something was obviously bothering him.

"Babe, do you know what a little is?" He finally asked quietly. "I mean, in sub and dom terms."

Isabella hesitated, taken off-guard by the question. 

A little?

Like an adult that was acting like a child?

She nodded slowly. She had, at some point, read about different types of submissive personas. Back then she had been a bit skeptical about the ideas that littles represented.

The nervousness was quickly rising into her chest. She wanted to look up at Knux, but didn't find the courage. She had a feeling, where this conversation was heading to. And it made her anxious.

Hammer & Anvil (Steel Rebels MC #2) [Ongoing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora