FOUR - Wreckage

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Note: assault/threat in this chapter. Please read with caution.


The next morning brought an unusual situation for Isabella.

Her whole family was present for breakfast and everyone was acting civilly, if not to say friendly.

She knew of course that this was due to the fact that Theresa and her father resided with them. But if she ignored the circumstances and the disapproving side glances she got from her mother because she ate her poached egg with the yolk and a full slice of whole wheat toast, then Isabella could pretend for a moment that they were a rather normal, albeit rich family.

But she didn't want to.

She was more and more sure that there was hardly anything normal about her family. Her family wasn't just a mess, but a wreckage that couldn't be fixed. The anger at her parents, who were once again purposefully trying to put a wedge between Roman and her, hadn't died down. It was simmering and bubbling beneath the surface but she kept her emotions in check. She was still holding onto the hope that she would soon be able to leave the mansion if she was just agreeable enough. She had to make her plan work. She needed to find out the truth.

"I've been thinking of visiting Anton today, before we head out tomorrow again."

Isabella perked up at Roman's words. Luckily her parents hadn't seen her giving him a curious and surprised look as their eyes were fixed on their only son.

Why was he announcing it like this?

She also didn't like that he would be leaving so soon again. When would she see him again? Would his hope of having her help Anton turn into an actual plan?

"What a lovely idea," their mother said with a nod. "How is he doing? Camilla has not attended any events in the last two months."

Isabella refrained from rolling her eyes. Anton's mother, like the rest of their family, was probably still mourning the loss of their youngest son. Any normal family would.

Of course, their mother couldn't understand that, because she probably had the same amount of empathy as a rock.

"Anton is getting by," Roman replied, ignoring the jab at his best friend's mother. "But I haven't seen him in a while."

"Please, send Camilla and Donovan our regards," their mother answered. "You could take Theresa along. She's so lovely company. Anton would surely be delighted to see her."

She turned to face Roman's fiancée.

"Oh no," Theresa interjected calmly, "I wouldn't want to intrude on their guy time. I have also agreed to go to a dress fitting for the fashion show today."

Isabella's mother's face lost some of her positive smile. She didn't like that Theresa wasn't ready to jump to be at Roman's side without a second thought. Or that she outright deflected her suggestions.

People didn't usually disagree with her.

"And also Melody and Valery said they would love to come along to the fitting. I would like to introduce them to my friend," Theresa added.

Isabella wondered if the Wilson heiress had noticed the change in her future mother-in-law and tried to rectify the situation or was she just giving more about her plans. Whatever the reason, it got the older woman to smile a little wider again.

"It's very kind of you to introduce our daughters to your friends."

Of course, nobody reacted to the fact that Isabella obviously wasn't included in this statement.

Hammer & Anvil (Steel Rebels MC #2) [Ongoing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora