SEVENTEEN - Dirty, lying rat

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The chair in the small witness room was hard and uncomfortable but that wasn't what bothered Isabella. She was terribly nervous. This was the first time she was by herself since waking up in the hospital. Nobody had been allowed to be with her, while she waited to be called into the witness stand. Only after her interview, she would be allowed to join her friends and family in the gallery. She hadn't even been allowed to take anything into the waiting room. No phone, no tablet, no headphones, no pen or paper.

Having nothing to distract and calm her racing mind made the whole situation worse. In the half an hour or so that she had been waiting already, she had bitten most of her nails down to their beds. She had never been one to chew on her fingers before but she had suddenly started and been unable to stop.

Isabella hoped that she would be soon called in, for the voices in her head started to become louder by each minute she had to wait alone. The psychologist had said that it wasn't unusual considering what has happened and that with therapy and time, she would get better. But it didn't change the fact that Isabella felt most of the time that she was going insane.

She didn't want to go insane. 

She wanted to be normal and happy.

The door leading to the courtroom opened and a woman wearing a black half gown stood in the room. 

"Miss Franklin-Gutsburry, please come in. The court it waiting for you."

Stepping into a brightly lit court room wasn't something that Isabella had ever thought of having to do. The first thing she saw was the judge sitting high on her podium. Next, her gaze shifted to the jury, who sat on the opposite side of the room. She didn't know anyone of the dozen or so men and women. Looking further she saw the Sturbingers sitting behind their lawyer. Behind them was a large crowd of people. Isabella saw some of her friends. Kitty, Helium and the other girls waved at her, but she was too nervous to wave back. She turned her head further until she finally saw him.

Knux sat next to the club lawyer Ronnie, who had spoken with her just the day before and informed her what would happen today. Emotions cut off Isabella's air supply. Her memories of Knux hadn't done him justice. Her heart started to flutter at the sight of him.

She had almost forgotten, how handsome and perfect he looked.

She had to go to him. He would wrap her in his arms and then everything would be alright again.

He would make the chaos disappear.

"Miss, the witness stand is over here."

The court clerk's hand on her elbow, ripped Isabella from her trance. Almost violently she jerked away from the touch and stumbled a few steps to the side. Someone got up hastily, tripping their chair over in process. The woman stared at Isabella in surprise. She had forgotten that anyone else was in the room.

"Sit down, Mr. Carter!"

Isabella's head swiveled first to the judge, who had raised her voice and then to Knux, who had obviously gotten up, intending to come over. He scowled at the clerk and then at the judge, but then lowered himself into his chair again. 

Tears shot to Isabella's eyes. She was supposed to be strong but she was already failing during the first minute.

"Miss Franklin-Gutsburry, please take your seat in the witness stand."

The judge's voice had turned softer and she nodded towards a smaller platform on the side of the judge's bench. Another woman sat beside it. The one that would read her statements to the room. Isabella turned back to look at Knux. He was still wearing a mask of displeasure with his arms crossed over his chest but when they locked eyes, his gaze softened. He gently nodded towards the witness stand, telling her wordlessly that she should go there.

Hammer & Anvil (Steel Rebels MC #2) [Ongoing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora