TEN - Common enemy

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"I got another call early this morning from Camilla Sturbinger," Isabella's mother said in a voice that made the youngest woman at the table lower the coffee cup that she had been drinking from back onto its saucer.

It was midday and Isabella, her mother and her sisters were having a light lunch in one of the sitting rooms. Isabella had been once again surprised to be included in the activity, but hadn't complained. She was glad that so far her mother hadn't asked more about why she had only come home close midnight from the Sturbingers the previous evening. She hoped that she would be let off the hook for once.

"Apparently you have made a lasting impression last night, Isabella."

The look that her mother gave Isabella was full of skepticism and mistrust.

"She asked if you want to accompany her, Donovan and Anton to the opening event of the hospital's renovated pediatric research center on the weekend. She thought that you might be interested in seeing it. Camilla's sister is working there. She's a doctor, in case you didn't know. Also the Sturbingers have donated rather graciously to the funding of the research center."

Vanessa Franklin-Gutsburry said this in a friendly tone but Isabella could see that her mother wasn't sympathetic with the cause. She probably thought the donation to be a waste of money. She didn't care about children's development. In her mother's eyes, children had to function from day one. And if they didn't then there were nannies and teachers that would fix that.

"It's very kind of them to invite me," Isabella replied slowly.

She was surprised and wondered why Anton's parents hadn't said anything about the event last night. Was this their way to help her get away from her parents more often? If so, then they cared more than she would have ever thought.

"Of course," her mother said with pursed lips. "I confirmed you going. This can actually be good publicity if you don't mess it up. You should get your hair color touched up before that though."

Isabella had hoped that her mother had forgotten about the hair color topic.
"But I like my hair the way it is," she replied calmly.

Her mother gave her once again a look of condescension.
"This wasn't a suggestion, Isabella."
Her voice had turned cold.

Valery chuckled behind her own cup of coffee, while Melody was sitting quietly and following the scene.

"I'm sorry, mother."

Isabella ducked her head. She had to keep the peace. She had to remember that this wasn't a battle that she should pick at the moment. Hair would grow back.

"I'll set up an appointment at Pam's."

"Good. We'll take some official photos at Roman's and Theresa's engagement party and I don't want you to stick out like a sore thumb once again."

Vanessa Franklin-Gutsburry gave her youngest daughter a last look, before turning to the twins.

"Has Theresa already said what color the bridesmaids' dresses will be?" She asked.

"Oh, yes," Valery replied quickly and it wasn't difficult to see that she wasn't amused by the choice. "Jade green."

She pulled out her phone to show them a picture of an elegant, floor length sheath dress in a light greyish green tone. It looked nice in Isabella's opinion but rather simple. It would have been almost plain if not for the unusual color. Normally, the dresses for the bride's entourage were pale pink, blush or lilac.

"This won't do," their mother said, like she had a say in the matter. "You will look like two celery stalks."

"That's what I tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen. Victor, her designer friend, created them," Valery returned in an exasperated tone.

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