Chapter Fifty- Six | Baby's Shots

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• Alessia POV •

The following morning, we got ourselves and Dio ready for his first doctor's appointment, I was pretty worried because I didn't want to see him upset.

Killian went outside to get the car seat ready, I made sure I had the baby bag and his bottle before I carried him gently outside before I met him near the car. Killian gently took Dio as he supported Dio's head, he gently placed him into the car seat carrier and buckled him in gently.

I placed his blanket over his body before getting into the passenger seat, Killian started to drive us into town, he placed his hand on my leg and rubbed his thumb over my thigh as we just talked about random things.

We eventually made it into town, he parked outside the carpark near the doctors, got out unlatched the carrier for the car and made sure Dio had his pacifier and blanket, I took the baby bag from the floor of my side before getting out of the car "Should we put him in the stroller?" I asked.

"I can carry him in this hun," he replied with the sweetest smile.

I nodded, and he put his hand out to mine as I gently held his hand we both walked to the doctors, as we made it inside, Killian sat down with Dio as I signed in talking to the receptionist as well.

I made it back towards Killian as I sat down "She said just wait until our name is called," I said gently as I bent down to put Dio's pacifier back in his mouth as he was sleeping peacefully.

After 30 minutes, the doctor called our names, we walked into the room as Dio was going to get his first checkup, I was nervous about this. Killian picked Dio out of his carrier gently, the doctor started to speak "Just remove his clothes but keep his diaper on," he said softly, Killian sat on the seat and started to remove his clothing.

Dio started to cry as the cold air hit his body, I felt sad seeing him cry as I tried to comfort him with warm gentle words, his body just looked so tiny. The doctor came over and started to check his vitals since he was a tiny baby, the doctor just wanted to make sure everything was okay.

I glanced over at Killian who seemed upset as well since Dio was sobbing, his little body was scrunched up seeking warmth and it broke my heart. I hated seeing him crying.

After Killian held him in his lap as the doctor spoke about getting the shots done, my heart was beating so fast as I saw the needle, I didn't like needles but I hated hearing my baby cry. The doctor spoke softly as he gently moved the needle into Dio's body and Dio's cries echoed the room.

My heart broke as I saw Killian moving his head down to kiss Dio's to comfort him, the doctor used a cotton ball and gently wiped his leg before doing a few more shots into his body, I moved my finger to Dio's hand as he immediately wrapped his hand around my index finger.

A few more minutes went by, and the doctor was now finished with the shots however Dio was still in tears, Killian looked through the baby bag for a bottle as I gently started to put Dio back into his clothing, I picked him up and placed my hand over his head to support him as I kissed his cheek gently as he was pressed against my chest so I could give him some sort of warmth.


It was 8 pm and we were finally home after a long day, Dio was already fed and now was cuddling into Killian downstairs, I was in the bath having a  peaceful night just to relax, after a few minutes a few gentle knocks appeared and Killian walked in "Dio is fast asleep hun," he said gently as he sat on the edge of the tub.

"Thank you," I replied as he smiled looking into my eyes "I love spending time with him, he's only a few days old and I feel like this time is flying by," he said gently.

"It always will be now, time is scary," I said.

He gently took my hand and rubbed his thumb across my knuckles "Your Dad called but I said you were in the bath and you'll call afterwards," he said.

I nodded "Thank you, he'll probably be asking what size should he get for Dio, you know what he's like for spoiling his Grandkids," I said with a slight laugh.

"He's a really good Grandad and a Dad," he said.

"He is," I replied with a huge smile.  

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