Chapter Thirty- Four | 2013

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24th October 2013, I sat on the couch playing on my phone, I turned on the news to see a lot of chaos happening downtown, my older sister walked downstairs "You shouldn't be on your phone all the time, it's not good for your mental health," she said taking my phone off me.

"Oh come on," I turned my head and smiled "I'm rarely on my phone," I replied.

"Pfft sure Killian," she said with a smile "Eat up and I will drop you off at school," she said and walked over to the kitchen.

"Should we really go into town?" I asked.

"Is this one of your ways of getting off school? Because you need your education if you want to go to college," she said as she poured a cup of coffee.

"I'm serious it's on the news, and there's chaos happening," I said.

"Let me look at that, go and eat," she said as she walked over to listen to the news, I got up and made myself a slice of toast.

"We just won't go through the middle of it, we will be fine, I promise," she said.

"If you're sure," I smiled, "However normal people would keep the kids off school," I said with a playful tone.

"Well, I'm your sister, not our Mom and I have work," she said, I rolled my eyes.

"I just don't have a good feeling about this," I said to her concerned.

"I promise you Killian, we will be fine," she said gently.

"Look one day you'll need to go into this new high school, Mexico isn't that bad," she said, I rubbed my brow as I finished my toast.

"I know, it's just... I really don't have a good feeling about this. Something feels off," I replied.

"I know but school is the big priority okay? If you want to be a Police Officer when you're older you need your education," she said.

"Fine fine, you win," I smiled as I put my plate in the sink.

"You weren't going to win with me, grab your bag and let's get going, both of us can't be late today," she said as she took her bag and walked out to her car, I took my bag too and followed her out.

We got into the car, and I looked at her "Could I have my phone?" I asked with a nice tone.

"Sure," she replied as she gave me it, I smiled back in return.

She drove into the town and the traffic was crazy bad, cars were trying to get around corners others were blocking, and some were being impatient it was crazy "I have an assignment for class, who's the most powerful leader in the country?" I asked.

"You're really asking me this now? On the way to school?" She said.

I nodded "Well apparently Mom told me about 'The Ravens' a well-known rich family" she replied.

"The Ravens? What do they do?" I asked.

"They're criminals, Mafia world if you tell me, you will be able to search them up on Google and find information about them," she said as we were still stuck in traffic.

I immediately looked up and saw the picture of the man "Nick Raven" I said out loud.

"Yeah he's the father, the leader," she said.

I nodded, I kept reading about the family they didn't seem that bad, they just seemed like a family making money, I looked up to hear yelling, I rolled down my window "What's up amigo?" I asked the fellow stranger.

"Corre, ellos se han vuelto locos," he yelled as he ran down the sidewalk fast, I looked at my sister "We shouldn't go, look try and turn back, I told you this isn't a good sign," I told her but she was persistent to get to work.

"Megan! We can't keep going even though the civilians are terrified, we should listen to them for god's sake," I said louder enough from all the chaos, we heard gunshots go off "That's a signal to turn back around Megan," I yelled at her.

She listened, she turned the car as she started to drive another car drove faster past, but it didn't hit us, she drove up to the traffic lights away from the drama, my anxiety was gone, a car slowly pulled up beside us, before I knew it multiple of gunshots went off, the glass shattered from our car, I tucked my head down, I looked up "Megan, it's fine. We're okay," I said.

I tilted my head to see her dead, my eyes widened  to see blood all over the car, I pulled her head up "Megan?" I held her face, my eyes started to well up "Megan look at me!" I got out of the car and ran to her side, I opened the car door and pulled her out of the car onto the floor "Megan!".

Tears fell down my face as I screamed from the top of my lungs for help, I put my head down to her chest "Megan wake up, please," I sobbed as I held her body against mine.

I saw two cars drive past as they held guns in their hands and I saw him. Nick Raven.

I looked down at her body as I held her body with my hand on the back of her head "I will make him suffer, I promise you,".

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