Chapter Fifty- Five | Restless Nights

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• Alessia POV •

Days later, we were back home and we just come back from my parent's house, as my siblings got to meet Dio, at first it was very overwhelming so we decided to leave early, it was a lovely afternoon to see everyone but deep down I just wanted to get home and into bed, being a new Mom is amazing but the downside is exhaustion, I will rather be in the house then travelling about.

I spoke to my Dad and we talked about when Dio is older me heading back to work but just doing the easy stuff, however, I'm allowed to be back in the office working with my Mom which I couldn't wait, which meant I'm allowed to bring Dio to work with me, I couldn't wait but first Dio came.

After we got home, I already had Dio fed and into his cot beside our bed fast asleep which meant Killian and I could have some time to ourselves meaning we could watch TV and have dinner together. Killian and I talked about every night having moments like this, even tiny talks so we both can see each other and spend quality time together and I was excited about that.

Killian was already cooking dinner so I decided to have a quick shower to freshen up whilst he cooked, and I felt completely relaxed after having a shower. I changed into some comfortable nightwear and decided to do more breast pumping for the bottles for tonight and tomorrow, I like to be organised, especially since having a newborn we don't have any time especially if it's last minute.

I walked downstairs to see Killian dishing up a meal, I smiled as he cooked my favourite which was mole poblano, a time favourite. Killian's was nice, but my Mom's is way better.

We sat down at the dining table and enjoyed a freshly cooked meal. It was nice just talking, I asked about his day at work, and we just talked about Dio and his plans.

After our meal, we got into bed we both were just exhausted, especially myself. And almost immediately I fell to sleep.


Hours later, it was around about 1 am, early hours in the morning, and Dio was crying his eyes out. I started to sit up however Killian placed a hand lightly on my hip and began to rub it in a calming motion. His voice was quiet, trying not to wake me up "I'll get him, hun,"

I just nodded as I laid back down, and tried to get comfortable again. Killian gave my hip another light rub, making a note that he should probably do this more often, he then got out of bed walked over to Dio's cot and carefully picked him up.

He went downstairs to get the bottle I already prepared a few hours before, as Killian fed Dio, I had finally headed back to sleep.

• Killian POV •

I sat downstairs to calm down Dio as I gently fed him and talked to him quietly to make sure he knew who I was, I smiled watching him. I wanted to make sure Alessia was getting plenty of rest, she deserved it. Especially since we had a busy day tomorrow, I laid back on the couch after Dio guzzled down his bottle, I gently rubbed his back making sure to get his burps out.

As Dio and I both fell asleep into a peaceful night.

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