Chapter Thirteen | Smooth Operator

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- Weeks later. Flores POV -

I sat down in the conference room with my bosses, and we all sat around the board talking about cases, "Flores, where's the case files at?" he asked me as I stopped and looked at him "Well, there has been a little problem but I promise these files will be finished for next week,"

"You better, we are counting on you to finish these cases," I kept staring, I clenched my jaw watching them leave, I turned to my colleague "Have you seen Raven?" I asked.

"No, she hasn't been seen for a few weeks," I raised my eyebrow, "I need you to investigate the man, Blaine O'Connel,".

"Who is he?" he asked looking at the photograph.

"Apparently he's a well-known drug supplier from Ireland, he's over here visiting Alessia Raven. If you could just find out his whereabouts we maybe able to get in contact with Alessia. Where Alessia goes, Lucas follows," I lit up a cigarette and rest it in between my lips.

I watched the window to see Elliott walking past, I stood up and walked over to his office, he immediately lifted his head up when he noticed me "What can I do for you, Agent Flores?"

I held the cigarette with my fingers as I looked at him "Have you seen Alessia?"

"No, I haven't, why?" he asked clearing away some files.

I chuckled walking away back to my office, I walked over to my colleague "Get up, you will be looking for Blaine O'Connel," I said grabbing my badge and gun.

"What will you be doing Flores?" he asked confusingly.

"Going to visit the other siblings," I inhaled my drag and left the Embassy.

I arrived at 'GH Management' and I saw someone "Grace Raven? I'm Killian, I was Alessia's date from your celebration party," I spoke taking her hand and smiling.

"Yes, I remember... What do you need?" she asked.

"Alessia hasn't been in contact for a week, wondering if you knew where she was? I'm an overthinker you know," I chuckled looking at her.

"I haven't seen her actually, she normally is round and about in the city, I can call my parents," she offered with a slight smile.

"If you can, that would be amazing," I smiled.

She smiled walking over to grab her phone as she called her parents, she put them on speakerphone "Hey Mom, have you seen Alessia anywhere?"

I soft voice came from the phone "No, should I be worried?" she asked.

"No no Mom, nevermind. I love you," Grace said before hanging up.

"Killian she's a busy woman, she will probably get in contact with you when she can," she smiled.

"Well thank you for your help," I smiled leaving the building.

I was walking to my car when I received a phone call "Boss, we're bringing him to custody,"

"Great, take him to the interrogation room," I said.


I walked back into the Embassy, I walked into the room seeing his face made me happy, I sat down opposite to him "Mr O'Connel, a pleasure to finally meet you," I smiled as Lucas had that intimidating death stare.

"Look all you need to do is answer my questions and I will let you go," he nodded.

"Right, Blaine. You are close with Alessia Raven? Am I correct?"

"You are," he responded.

"Now she works for me as well, could you mind telling me where you last saw her?" I asked sternly.

"I haven't seen her recently," he said with a straight face.

"Mhm, well this," I took out pictures of their sex life and placed them in front of him "This seems otherwise, now Blaine. This can be very easy if you can just answer a simple question,"

He looked down as his eyes turned cold, I smirked "So?"

He didn't respond, "Ah, I see how it is. Agent Morales," I talked louder as he walked in "Yes Boss?".

"Blaine O'Connel will be in Jail until someone helps with bail," I stood up taking the photographs.

- Alessia POV -

I am back home with my parents helping my Mom with paperwork as Georgia is laughing with our Dad, Grace walks in "Alessia!" she walked over to me as I looked up "What's up?"

"Your friend, Killian was asking where you were," she said sitting down at the dining table.

I smirked knowing how lost he was not being able to see me for a few weeks, I just nodded as I kept reading the paperwork, our Dad walked over and stood behind our Mom as he was rubbing her shoulders.

"Alessia where have you been?" our Mom asked as I looked at her "Business as per usual," I smiled.

My parents knew that I was lying, I could tell but I was able to handle myself, I always had and always will.

I walked upstairs closed my bedroom door and locked it behind me, I exhaled thinking about everything as Elliott called me "What's up?" I answered.

I bit my lip as I hung up.


I walked into the Embassy, and Flores's eyes lit up seeing me, he saw Blaine walking up behind me with a smile, and I knew this would annoy Flores more, Blaine pulled my waist to him as he kissed me passionately, I could see Flores watching, he didn't care. I thought I knew this man, I thought he was like the same as the rest of the Agents but he wasn't.

I was playing with damn fire and I didn't know how to get out of it, I turned my head to see Flores still watching, I tried to look at him, reading his aura but I couldn't. He was this mysterious lunatic and the only way I could get him close again was to do the same thing I did at the celebration.

I watched him as he turned away and walked back into his office, I could've walked in after him but I walked right into his plan the only reason he put Blaine into custody was to see me, this man was something else.

And I was going to fucking end him.

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