Chapter Six | Ireland

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I arrived in Ireland after a long journey of screaming kids, a bumpy ride and freezing weather, plus the jet lag. It was an emotional journey aka breakdown mode was going to happen.

I walked into town, and I shivered "Fucking freezing," I spoke to myself as I looked at the signs "What sort of English is that?" I was confused as I took out my phone and called the person I was meeting. But no reply.

I walked around asking people about the company I was heading to until some nice woman showed me the way, I smiled thanking them for their generosity. I walked into the headquarters, as I walked up to the tallest floor, as I knocked on the door "Come in," the person said with a stern tone.

I walked inside as the door closed behind me, and there he sat. His head hung down as he was reading papers, and my furred jacket trailed to the floor as I walked over to him "Mr O'Connel, a pleasure to finally meet you," I said as I put my hand out.

"Pleasure is all mine, Raven," he spoke with a raspy tone, as he shook my hand.

"Take a seat," he said as I sat down looking at him.

"I need your help," I said, as I lit up a cigarette as inhaled the drag.

"Fire away," he spoke with a harsh tone.

I sat down, "I know you've done a background check on me, my oldest brother is a cop, for the mafia. And there's a new agent in town, and he's after me. He gave me a deal, if I turn myself in and you know be on his side. Plus taking me out for dinner. Look, it sounds easy job. I took the offer but it doesn't mean I can't have a little fun" I smirked.

"How do you think I can help you?" he asked, leaning forward.

"Because I'm just like you, we both crave the same things," I spoke.

"And that is?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Sex and death," I smiled, inhaling another drag.

He smirked as my comment was forward.

"Do you want to fuck me?" I looked at him.

"Is that even a question? I'm a man after all," he smirked.

I put out my drag as I walked over to him.

He looked at me as I walked over to him, as he put everything aside. As I stood right next to him, he got up removed his chair as he put his hands on my waist lifting me on his desk, as he walked closer to the edge of the desk between my legs and looked at me with a grin on his face.

I held his face and gently kissed the side of his mouth as I looked at him before moving my dress up to my waistline.

He grabbed onto my neck pulling my face closer to his, as he bit down my bottom lip before he looked me deep into the eyes and moved his lips onto mine as he kissed my lips gently.

I kept kissing him as I started to take off his belt whilst moving my legs apart for more space as I looked into his eyes with lust.

He deepens the kiss, as he noticed me taking off his belt. Then he moved his hand down to my inner thigh stroking his fingertips up and down slowly.

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