Chapter Twenty | The Chase

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~ 5 months later ~

- Flores POV -

Everyone was sitting around the conference table, talking as we got a call in about a murder that was about a few months ago "The woman witnessed who did it, the girl tried to bribe her with money," an Agent said.

I looked up "Who was it?" I rest the cigarette on my lip. "Alessia Raven, boss," he said as my blood boiled "She's crossed the line now, I want everyone to drop what they're doing and get ready, I want all forces ready right now," I snapped at everyone.

"What is your plan boss?" he asked.

"We are arresting Alessia Raven," I said leaving the room.

- Alessia's POV -

I was at home alone whilst everyone was out, I got a call from Elliott "Hey what's up?" I said kindly. "You need to run Alessia, get your car and go!" he yelled into the phone. "Wait why?!" I was confused.

"Flores is going to arrest you, the whole Embassy is down at their vehicles they're ready, you need to run," he said worriedly.

My heart was racing, I fucked up big time. I grabbed my car keys as I hung up and raced to my car fast, I was panicking, so I got in and started to drive, I was stressed, so I kept driving as I heard the sirens from different blocks until I looked in my rear mirror and saw the cop cars behind my car already "Fuck," I muttered to myself, I put my foot down on the accelerator and drove faster, I was swerving in between cars, my heart sank to my stomach I felt sick.

I was in this alone, no one could help me. I drove down this side street but immediately a car blocked me in front, I drove backwards and got out before driving through blocks fast, I tapped my earpiece "Daniel you hear me?" but no response.

"Fuck!" I yelled at myself, I needed my parents' help but it was too late, Elliott couldn't even help me, I was so lost and I didn't know what to do. But the only thing I could do was drive, drive until I lost them.

The cop cars were getting closer to my tail, and I heard tires screeching across the pavement I looked in my mirror to see a cop car getting crashed into flipped over and exploded into smithereens "What the fuck-" I was shocked until I heard a voice in the earpiece "Alessia keep driving, it's okay. I'm here," Blaine said as I felt this relief.

A tear dropped down my face, as I kept hearing his voice through the earpiece, I kept driving until we got 2 miles in front of the cops, but we could still hear the sirens.

"Alessia, what happened?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know, I really don't," I said honestly as we kept driving he drove up on my left side, and we both rolled down our windows "Drive ahead of me, Alessia," he yelled as I nodded picking up the pace as he was behind me.

9 cop cars were still chasing us, my heart was racing as we got further ahead of them "Alessia we need to shoot, we need to slow them down," Blaine said in the earpiece.

"We can't my brother could be in one of those cars," I replied as it was silent. I got ahead of Blaine eventually, as we made it onto the highway, I kept driving feeling the relief of finally getting out of their sight.


A cop car crashed into my car, my car flipped over hitting the railing of the highway which was on a bridge my car was hanging of 50/50 chance that it could fall off completely. My car lit on fire, smoke was coming off it.

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