Heart Attack Really?

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We are standing by the grave burying my mom in a separate plot from where our family plot is at. It was in her will and I have no idea who this man is in the plot next to her. She wanted to be buried next to him so she bought the plot and paid for her funeral. Everything was planned and paid for including her very expensive funeral and casket. Her will left everything to us and another family, one we knew nothing about. Sadly we didn't know about the family, they definitely needed the inheritance. The attorney divided up and made sure they had everything they needed.

When we walked in to the office with all mom's accounts and the trust funds information we were surprised to see a woman with three small children and they looked like they could use nourishing and better clothing. Kelly Green was holding all three children in her arms. Christian, Elliott and Mia were there names. It was quite strange and scary because they looked similar to all three of us. We sat down as instructed after handing the documents to the attorney, my attorney arrived to handle our part of it. I never met this attorney reading the will. I had heard he is brilliant and works hard and helps the poorest of the society.

I look at what could be my twin but so much younger. Like myself as a baby. The others look like Elliott and Christian and oddly they are both named Elliott and Christian. Their last names are Grey and the mother's last name is Green. I feel like I am in the twilight zone. A parallel universe, possibly? We start the meeting and it seems that mom left half her estate to the mother and children and soon we find out why. I am shocked and the children had to be taken from the room to hear the reasons why. Mom was a horrible human being. Things keep coming out, things not in her journals. Guess killing Robert Green was not an important part of her bad deeds. Having the Grey name assured these children of getting their names on the will along with Mrs Green. If we challenged the will we would get nothing. We had never seen her will or ever heard who would inherit her estate. We never met this attorney, Alexander Constantine Downey is very young looking but brilliant. Soon we are informed that there is several properties we know nothing about that were left to the mother and her children. Plus half of the trust fund monies from the sale of her assets. Luckily we decided to keep all trust funds intact. So we watch as the nightmare continues on and on and on. Christian and Elliott offer her some help in getting the properties ready to be moved into. All I can offer is my cooking skills, so I do just that. All the documents are signed and we all head to the banks to divide the trust funds up. Mrs Green has no car so she rides with Elliott. The children ride with me.

I have Jason check out Mrs Green and the children. I soon find out everything she told us is in public records. I ask him to get a security team to protect her and the children. Soon they have arrived at the bank and introduce themselves to us and Mrs Green. She doesn't look shocked at all. She did however looked shocked at how much money she is getting and we open the lock boxes in front of everyone and there are photos of all three of the children as babies, even us.

Jason told me that he was sure my mother had been meeting with Mrs Green and that she was giving her money until after she was put in jail. Then she had nothing and had been homeless since then. We get her to the first property and it was surprisingly close to our mom's home. It had staff members who apparently was paid to care for the place. So it was ready to be moved into. Cars were even left behind as well. The attorneys had no idea mom was such a car buff. Now I know how mom slipped away from security so often. We found wigs and disguises in one of the master bedrooms. Who the hell was our mother? Did she really die of a heart attack on the same day Elena had? It seems suspicious to me. Gretchen however died of a brain tumor that same week. All of it seems very strange. What was even stranger is Elena left everything to me. The attorney is working on getting it all settled, her assets are now in trust funds. They are all set up in my name. I still don't have any idea why. Anastasia told me to set the trust funds aside until I decide what I want to do with them.

Kelly Green
I am in tears and can't stop crying. The law firm that was Carrick's is now combined with Anastasia's firm. We have made an agreement on what portion of the income I will get from the profits. It was more than generous. Grace really enjoyed manipulating me and she's still doing it from the grave. I will never get away from her clutches and she made sure of it by giving me and my children half of everything she owned.
I have three homes and this one is the one that's move in ready. I keep hearing voices around me telling me about this and that. I have been introduced to so many people and been fed very delicious food, but at this point anything would be better than nothing to eat. The children were thrilled just to have a two or three day old dinner roll. This was how Grace lived and she gave us just enough to survive on. I hate Grace Grey, especially after I found out she threw me in a trash bag after giving birth to me.

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