Mia's Wedding

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The only three people who I trust not to hit on my brothers are Kate, Leila and Anastasia so I ask them to be my maid of honor and bridesmaids. Christian and Elliott are groomsman and Shawn Miller, Barney's cousin is his best man. Jason is walking me down the aisle. Elliott is dancing the father daughter dance with me. Christian is dancing with mom unless she has a date for the wedding. Stuart Howard didn't pan out as a man for my mom, so they became friends only. He didn't feel comfortable coming to my wedding. Barney only had his cousin and my brothers at the wedding. He knows Anastasia, Kate and Leila as well.

We worked hard getting this wedding together. It was hard but we are here and ready to say our vows. I was in love with her at first sight. She really didn't know who I was at all. But I grew into my looks and started attracting more women than ever. I had to nerd it up to keep them away from me. I am too busy to have women chasing me like that. Now I do the nerd thing to keep them away from me. Mia was glad that I started doing that when she wasn't with me. I finally got her to agree to this marriage. Our honeymoon is going to be fun, we go to Paris to see the latest fashions and we go to a tech convention. We both get what we want from our honeymoon. There are a lot of single ladies here today so Shawn is dancing with as many as he can. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and could be a model. His height is a plus as well. He is training to be a plastic surgeon. He doesn't tell anyone that, he just says he is going to be a surgeon.

I am looking at the women that I own paintings with their faces on them above a Gibson Girl body. Dad's painting was not changed from the original photo of him. Mom loves that painting. She said it was the best gift she ever got. She misses dad to this day. I dance with her along with Christian and other eligible males who were invited. I approach Kate and ask her to dance with me, she hesitates for a moment but agrees to dance with me.

I can't believe it, I am looking at the face of the painting and she is the same person that I ran into her and caused her pain more than once. She doesn't seem to realize it though. She is eating her cake very slowly enjoying every bite of it. It's starting to make me wish that was me she is enjoying. I doubt she realizes what she is doing. She and I met right before the vows. I had no idea Anastasia was the same person in the painting and the one I bumped into twice. But then I was in a huge rush and my security took care of her the second time and she never got back to us about any injuries. Now I find out Mia has known her for a while through her two other friends Leila and Kate. All three were in the wedding party. All three were the faces on the paintings. I finally get up and invite her to dance with me. She didn't even know it was me who knocked her down.

At first I wanted to say no, but this is Mia's brother and I don't want to be rude to her family. So I get up and dance with him and he can dance, but me not so much. I stepped on his feet four times until he stopped me and said follow me and look at my face. I finally did as he asked and he was pulling me around the dance floor and it was like I was able to dance (yeah right it was because he was good). We danced four dances and I got an emergency call from my dad and had to leave.

I didn't want Anastasia coming to the hospital because she was at a wedding that she was a bridesmaid at. They called her anyway. I suddenly saw clouds and Carla and our baby boy who died with her, Anastasia was a twin. Raymond jr. died along with his mother. I didn't want Anastasia to know that because she had to be turned that around they had no idea that there were two babies and Carla was bleeding out after they finally got Anastasia out. There was nothing that could have saved Carla or Raymond jr. He they found him with his cord around his neck. I am not ready to leave Anastasia alone but I don't think I have a choice in this matter.

I am running down the corridor to the room my dad is in when I hear beeping and someone called a code blue and I see it's my dad's room. I slip in and they are yelling at trying to revive what looks like my dad lying on the bed. Suddenly a white mist appears and disappears after they call time of death. I am standing there in shock and crying because he was all I had in my life. I have no one left. The doctor sees me and asks if I am family?

Dr Howard
I introduce myself to mr Steele's daughter and I told her we did all we could, but his heart was damaged so much that there was nothing we could do but keep him comfortable. I tell her his chart says he was living on borrowed time. Apparently she had no idea that his heart was that bad. I tell her we need to know where she wants his body sent to? She needs to do some things before we can release the body. We need to get the death certificate signed.

I am standing at his plot next to moms and I see the small angel engraved with Raymond Jr. and my birthdate as both birthday and death the same as moms date of death and my birthday. He kept this from me all this time. I get a call from his law firm to say that they need to see his will.

I hear dad's voice saying stay strong as they start shoveling the dirt over the casket. I go through the motions as everyone gives me a hug and their condolences. I hardly know any of these people. A realtor actually try to get me to list my dads home with them. I threw their card back at them. I think that is a clear no. I barely heard the eulogy. Theresa leads me to the car and we leave for home. I need to change and go find out where his will is for who wants it so badly they interrupt his funeral. My briefcase has death certificates, life insurance and I believe his attorneys name and number. He went to Grey Law firm to have his will done. His safe has all his deeds and titles in it.

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