A Surprise Visitor

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I had Mia bring me over to check on Anastasia after hearing that her father died after she left the wedding so suddenly. She has been barely around since he died. Elliott checked with Kate and said she has been fighting with her father's employees and had to straighten things out. She is working both his clients and hers. She had to press charges against a few of the attorneys that worked for her dad. So here I am getting Kate to take me to Anastasia's apartment. This is the first time I have been here. It's actually quite a pleasant place to have an office and an apartment.

Elliott asked me to let Christian check on Anastasia and I agreed to. So I knock on Anastasia's door and she finally opens the door in her robe and slippers and she sees me and Christian and invites us in and heads to her kitchen and offers us something to eat and drink. We accept because she is plating things up and serving us water and places the food in front of us. Finally she asks if there is something that we need. I ask her if she is okay and she says no not really, but I will be.

I hear the bell and I opened the door to find Christian and Kate standing there. I was about to eat my dinner and it was just waiting to be served up. They follow me asking me if I am okay again. I finally tell them no but I will be. I start serving my food and ask them if they want something to eat and plate each of them servings of whatever I made and hand them a bottle of water, they might need it because this is a spicy dish. I eat my food and they follow suit. I look at the baby furniture and start crying because it reminded me that my dead twin brother was a surprise to me at the funeral. I go to the bathroom and blow my nose wash my face and hands and come back and finish my food. I clear the plates and ask if they want anything else. I feel so numb and I just want to cry, but I have things that need my attention so crying is out of the question.

I wash things up and put things away and invite them to the living/play area for tiny children. I pick up a bunny rabbit and hug it thinking about the child who could have been and my twin brother.

I tell Anastasia she needs to get out and do something besides work. Christian invites us to his restaurant and I drag her to her bedroom and I get her dressed and we go out with Christian to go have fun with Christian. He invites Elliott and I invite Leila. Mia is busy with Barney, so she probably won't come out. She looks better than she did and I had no idea she had such nice clothing. We grab her things and we head out to Christian's car and driver. Leila was busy in her dark room.

I agree to meet Christian, Kate and Anastasia at the mile High clubs dance level. I make it there before they do and I head to the VIP room and wait for them to arrive. I had to shake off my current stalker to come here. A lot of nice looking ladies here tonight, some are with other ladies. I see Christian and two ladies on his arms and he is headed up here. It seems like he has brought sad sack and Kate. Well I just heard she's been sad for over a month, but she's also been working hard to merge her and her dad's law firms into one firm. Well I guess she is trying to get out and start living again. I hardly recall my dad Carrick's death, but I recall my biological parent's deaths. Don't think about it. I stand as the ladies arrive and Pull out two chairs for them to sit down on. I have to say they both look great.

Ryan is replacing me thank goodness and I am going home to Gail. I need the break after everything we did this week. Between Roz and Gwen and then Christian I can't get sleep. So tonight he has called in Ryan. I hadn't noticed but I do now. Theresa Prescott is here guarding Anastasia, I wave to her and Ryan has arrived and we trade vehicles and I leave. I tell him miss Steele is being guarded by Prescott. I heard rumblings about her cases against the police department and one cop who threatened her and her clients. He died after his bullet wound got infected. It was like a miracle that he was the only one shot.

Oh this is just perfect for someone with a grudge to get their hands on Miss Steele, she has her vest and her gun along with her license to carry it. She's pretty darn good at shooting that gun. Plus she is pretty lucky. I watched those videos of Lawson grabbing the cops gun and was about to shoot Miss Steele when she shot husband hand making the gun fall from his hand and it ricocheting off something and hitting him in the chest before he could grab the gun again.

I ask Kate to dance with me and Christian joins us with Anastasia following him. Soon we have danced to three songs when a slow song comes on. I pull Kate close to me and we start moving to the music.

I pull Anastasia to the dance floor and we dance to three fast songs and a slow song comes on and I pull her into my arms and suddenly I just want to kiss her and I do just that. A simple kiss on her lips. I hold her close and we dance without saying anything. I'm not sure but I feel very comfortable with her in my arms and two more slow songs come on and we keep dancing and I lean down and kiss her more deeply now. She responds back in kind. We go back to our seats hand in hand. Elliott and Kate are there making out.

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