The Culprit

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Todd Spenser
I can't believe I was set up like that. I knew that Kate, Anastasia and Leila would be going to the club to celebrate finals. I thought they would be too crowded to notice me drugging the drinks and see which one I could get out of there first. My buddies hadn't shown up to buy the drugs from me yet. I got anxious and jumped the gun. Sadly security caught on to my tricks and got the drinks before the girls drank them. Anastasia was the one who put them onto me. The bar tender was in on the sting as well. My mom and dad will definitely not be happy. I can't call Ray Steele to bail me out because it's too late at night to do it. He's my attorney and he has told me that I need to straighten up. He told me if he finds me trying to drug his daughter again I will need to find another attorney. I know he will hear about this from Anastasia and now my parents when he is able to keep the retainer and not represent me ever again. He will make sure I spend time behind bars.

I watch as all of this goes down and glad I wasn't part of it. I never knew that Todd would be behind such dastardly things. I guess Anastasia had figured it out and probably had hoped she wasn't right about it. Law students don't take things on face value. They are trained to expect the worst from people.

I can't believe Todd would try something like that, but I am shocked how fast you hit him in his balls and then flipped him onto his back. It was good everyone moved back so quickly. I knew Anastasia took self defense training but had no clue she was an expert. I need to learn how to defend myself. I might be tall but I doubt I could fight off anyone. Being a journalist major I had heard that females were being drugged and sexually assaulted and had no idea who was doing it. So we set out to try to find the culprits. I had no idea that Todd was providing the drugs to help these criminals basically rape an unconscious female. He had drugged all of our drinks and Anastasia and Be,Inca caught him at it. They had security switch the drugged drinks out and they placed the drugged drinks in evidence bags sealed tightly. We had a non alcoholic drink in their place.

I was one of the victims of these guys and it was guys who thought they would get away with it. They made major mistakes. They posted it on line. They are serving quite a lot of time behind bars rather than graduating college. I will never be the same again because of their actions. So I wanted to catch whoever sold the guys the drugs to put in females drinks so they can have their way with them. One down and more to go, but we got the one who was behind the ones who drugged and gang raped me. I went directly to the hospital when I got free of them. I found out the campus clinic was not the place to get a rape kit done. Kate had a close call and so did Anastasia but someone stole their drinks and they never found out who did.

Todd Spenser called from jail to see if he could get me to come to bail him out. He didn't have the funds to bail himself out. I told him he would need to call his parents to get his bail, I am not losing bail money or putting anything of mine up for bail for anyone. Anastasia knows this as well and she won't do it either. He will need to go to family to get any bail money he needs. I know what his parents will do and he will sit there until after the trial. I do go to the arraignment and read the charges and his file. His parents have joined me and he hadn't told them about the charges. His mom started crying his father was pretty angry. They didn't bail him out. So I have to prepare for trial. This is a case that I will earn my money on.

Tim Spenser
Holding Veronica as she is crying her eyes out. Our son has did some pretty bad things and this time he's going to be serving time for them. We aren't bailing him out for any reason. He needs to stay behind bars and if he gets time he serves it. He knew what he was doing was a criminal act and he could have killed those ladies by drugging them.

I know that he should pay for his crimes but I still can't stop worrying about my son. Tim told me we weren't bailing him out for any reason. We are already in paying Ray to defend him. He really didn't think he was the best choice for it and assigned his new assistant to defend him. Apparently he tried drugging Anastasia and her two friends and he got caught. Anastasia and the bar tender set up a sting to catch guys drugging the female customers. Todd didn't know it was Anastasia because it was so dark and crowded. It shouldn't matter who it was he was drugging females to assure guys could take advantage of them physically. It's considered rape if they are unable to consent to sex.

Cheryl Adams
I really hate this case, but I was assigned it and I have to defend him and try to get the charges dropped. Ray couldn't take it because his daughter was an intended victim of Todd's. Her and her two friends were handed three drinks by Todd after he drugged them. They had the drinks bagged, tagged and sealed and replaced with non alcoholic drinks. He was arrested when he came back around to see if they were ready to be led outside to his friends. He tried but Anastasia kicked him in the balls and then flipped him onto his back. Security took him into custody and the police arrived and arrested Todd. They found drugs on him and drugs in the drinks he gave the young ladies. Anastasia and the bar tender were trying to catch guys drugging drinks and they caught Todd.

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