Everyone Needs Someone

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I have been busy trying to get my children married off to anyone, I failed to make sure they were good people. Jason pointed that out after my surprise setup meal. I found out some facts that I failed to notice about all three and even my date. He told me it is his job to check backgrounds of anyone who has any contact with us. I had no idea what that entailed until he showed me Roberts information and then Elena's information. Shortly after that day I found out that she had groped Christian under the table and that was why he jumped up and left the table. He had her escorted from the restaurant and told to stay away from all of us from now on. Not long afterward she was arrested for human trafficking and a lot of other awful crimes. Christian advised all of to stay away from both Robert and Elena. I stopped going to her salons, Mia did as well. I was told not to try setting my children up again.

My mom has been talking to me about her investing in the beauty salons that Elena lost to creditors. I told her it's not a good idea at this time since people will still have a misconception of them. I asked her not to set me up on a blind date again. I told her that I know a widow who would make her very happy. I might bring him to family dinners from now on since they are both trying to set up their children, they need someone to occupy their extra time.

I knew exactly what Elena did to Christian because I was watching her very closely. It was confirmed as soon as he jumped up from his seat and her arm moved like it would have if her hand had been on his privates. Seen too many people doing things under the table with their hands. Mom hadn't seen it, but several of us had been watching the scene before us. I am surprised she got that bold in front of all of us though. Christian had her removed from the restaurant after she followed him to the mens room. We didn't know he had bought the restaurant until after he told the manager to keep Elena Lincoln out from that point on. He had just completed the deal and hadn't spoke to me about it yet. I was on vacation with friends and he asked my second to check it out. It was about to go up in auction if it didn't get sold. The seller finally saw the light and took Christian's generous offer. Mom looked around and started giving him ideas of how to get people to come back.

Mom brought me a blind date and I brought my own date to the meal. Barney teased me and said hey now you have me and him. Who is the better man. Of course I said Barney was the better man. Elena wouldn't keep her hands off Christian and kept flirting with him. Suddenly he jumped up and excused himself to the restroom. I saw him tapping on his phone and Jason followed him. Then Elena went in the same direction of Christian, I noticed Jason preventing her from following them and she was escorted out of the restaurant by another black suited man and woman. I forgot how many security people are around us now. I asked Barney if he had security as well. He pointed four security people out. We have CPOs and under covers as well. They sat close by and watched us along with the people near us. Barney said don't tell anyone about this, but death threats come in the mail everyday at GEH. Mom was informed of all this after she discovered the under covers following her. She knew about the CPOs after the first death threat to all of us was made. They caught the person and he is serving time now. Our mail is now scanned before we can have it.

Mia was frightened after I told her about the situation and why she has so many security watching her and her family. I myself have just as many security people. There was several kidnap attempts on us. At some point they kidnapped several of another billionaires family member were kidnapped and one was killed and they paid to get the other family members back. It was a big mistake and lives were lost. It was overseas so it didn't make the news here in Seattle. I know because I get news around the world and alerts about things like this. So do all the security staff, we have to know if it is safe for mr Grey to go to different countries.

Christian called me regarding Robert and I told him that I had just went on two dates and wasn't going on a third one because he was trying to get money from me and then his wife called me. After that Christian told me he asked him and Elliott for investment money as well. Then Robert had the nerve to call me again and I told him off and told him to never bother me or my children again. I blocked him and told my security to keep him away from us. They definitely did that and told me he tried to gain access to me at the hospital and came to my home. I never told him my address.

Ryan Reynolds
I informed mrs Grey that Robert was being persistent and suggested a restraining order for her and her family against him. She took my suggestion and had one issued. I called the cops three times today about Robert, but he fled when he saw the red and blue lights from the cars. He is fast for an older man. We don't know how he escaped but he did. I am thinking he has been stalking mrs Grey for a while to be able to disappear so completely around the hospital.

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