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Henry Benson
I watch her watching Elliott Grey and she kept up with his driver and I kept up with her. Plus I placed a tracking device on her car. I was also able to track her phone, because she gave it to someone and I paid close attention to the name and number she gave out. Ellen Turner looks like a very young Kathleen Turner. I came across an old movie of hers Body Heat. Now I do believe in love at first sight. Now how do I get to know her, this is my question.

Ellen Turner
I was looking up at the building that Elliot went into and was watching for him to come out. I saw a man standing by a car but I couldn't see his face. I then saw security walking the parking lot so I had to get going before they approached me. I hop in my car and drive off. As I turn left a car turns left along with me. I don't see any more cars on the street, Sunday at the break of dawn is very quiet. So I know I am being followed. I hurry home and get there and the car is no longer there. I head up the stairs to my apartment. I finally lay down in my bed and I see missed calls on my phone.

I love my children and I decided to have Ellen Turner followed to see what she is up to and to protect my sons. I hired a guy to follow her and make sure she abides by the restraining orders she was given. So far she has been, until they were at Christian's club. She had tried to keep her distance but got bumped into him. She was able to escape notice and left to her car to wait on him. She is finally home after watching the building he was in until just before Dawn. Henry was the right one to follow her, but he thinks he has been made. So he is going to send someone else out to watch her. What I didn't know was that he had developed feelings for her. Two weeks later she no longer followed Elliott or anyone else in our family. She disappeared from Seattle. I don't know if I should worry for her safety or not. I have mixed feelings about this situation. Donald Linden was the one who told me that she had disappeared and he couldn't find her. He had a delivery person try to get her to answer her door. Her neighbor said she hadn't seen her over a week. The landlord tried to get her rent paid and had to open her door up. Her apartment was cleared out. It was spotless and a check for the remaining rent on her lease was left on the counter with a note. The landlord refused to tell him what it said. David asked if he needed to locate her or wait until I call him back. He told me that he checked if she used her credit or debit cards and there weren't any transactions. I tell him to make sure she isn't following Elliott for a week and if she isn't then let it go for now. He agrees and after the week she is still nowhere near Elliott.

I arrived home after a long day of stalking Elliott and my apartment was cleared out. I heard a noise and there he was sitting there at my countertop with a note and what looks like my checkbook. He is signing my name, he says you were warned and you disobeyed me. He comes closer to me and takes my things away from me and I am being led out to my car. No one can see the fear in my eyes as he tells me to get in the car. No one will know what happened to me and who took me. I have sealed my fate.

Unknown Male
Some people never learn from their past mistakes and she hasn't. Ellen Turner indeed. She used her last victims name and identity completely forgetting that red flags went up when she used the credit cards and checking accounts. Her social security number as well. I picture the real Ellen and her husband holding his ground saying he didn't kill his wife. We don't know exactly who this person is because she has no fingerprints, she made sure she didn't. At least she will no longer have freedom to stalk anyone and leave their dead corpse when they reject her as their soulmate. She stayed too long in Seattle and brought attention to herself. She can't escape now.

I found videos of her car and I am still tracking it and after we found out her apartment was emptied out of everything but, a note, a check and the keys to the apartment we figured she left for good. I then ask the neighbors if they saw the movers and none had seen or heard anything or anyone. I decided to look deeper into Ellen Turner and found out she was murdered. They thought it was her husband for a while. I looked at the photo of the real Ellen Turner and it definitely is not the Ellen that was living in the apartment or stalking Elliott Grey. My guy says he thinks she was being chased by several  people. Something tells me the killer was either the woman stalking Elliott or whoever took her. We most likely will never see the fake Ellen again at least not alive. The landlord filed a missing persons report on her. They pretty much said that they would try, but they didn't see anything that looked like she had been taken by force. There were no evidence or witnesses to a crime. They said she probably just left of her own accord. They did the report and had no leads at all.

The Right Blind Date (?)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ