Background Checks

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Jason gets a background check on Elena Lincoln and it is very interesting and very disturbing. She's divorced and owns private clubs and you have to be invited and your income has to be in the multimillions. She has beauty salons as well. Mom goes to those salons, but she has never met Elena Lincoln until recently. I guess because Elliott, Mia and I were photographed at the opening of The Clubhouse public interest in us has been on the uprise. They also included that I am now a billionaire and Elliott is about to be one as well. I am glad they didn't include Barney in the story. Women would come out of the woodwork if they knew his net worth.

There have been numerous calls from Elena Lincoln trying to set up a so called business meeting with her about investing in her businesses. I had Robert Lewis checked out as well. But Grace had went out with him twice and after that meeting she stopped seeing him, her security was told not to allow him near any of the Grey's again by Grace herself. She didn't tell us why, but she is pretty smart about guys coming on too strong. He had never been to her house. They met two times and that was all.

Robert Lewis tried to make friends with me and started talking about projects he was involved in and just needed investment money. I told him good luck with that because investors are hard to come by. He asked me if Christian would invest and I told him that Christian never invest in anything that a date of moms has. I tell him if we did that mom would have men surrounding her trying to get money for their projects as well and we would go bankrupt. So he asked if I would reconsider and I told him no and it wasn't going to change. He tried mom after that and she told him no and that she also found out about him trying to get me and Christian to invest and she didn't appreciate his underhanded approach. So she broke everything off with him. I guess she got a call from his wife as well. She told his wife that nothing happened between them and they Inko went out with other people on the two dates they had.

Misty was very angry that I was cheating on her. I told her I was just lining up investors. The Grey family had a lot of cash and she could check  out how much. She checked it out and was happy until she found out they wanted nothing to do with me. So we are going to need to find a cheaper place to stay. Grace won't take my calls. Elena ends up telling Misty that she saw me and it didn't look like I was just getting investors to her.

Robert was pretty much a stranger to me and my family yet he felt comfortable asking us to invest money in his project without showing us anything about it. I didn't like that at all and told him that. Then I get a call from someone saying she is his wife and to leave him alone. I told her that I had every intention of leaving him alone and not to worry he will be leaving me alone too. I told her good luck with that man of hers and hung up. Robert tried calling me back, but I blocked him. He isn't getting any help from us and he isn't allowed near us anymore.

Robert was pretty upset about my calling Grace Grey and we had a huge fight and I left him for good. He can go back to Elena for all I care. She set all this up to begin with. I don't want anything to do with either of them. He bought me from her and I gave him five years and no babies. I pack my things as quickly as I can. I definitely am taking the cash he gave me along with all my valuables. I take the tracker off the car and drive away without a second look. It was a simple house and I liked it, but he wanted more. At least he didn't share me like the other girls were. He married me and promised to divorce me after five years. I have my passport and my birth certificate and now my degree. I find the first big town outside of Seattle and make a call to the police about Elena's private clubs and her teenage sex slaves she has locked up at all three of them. I then tell them to get search warrants for all her salons and check out her shipping company and her home. I dropped a big box of photos that I found at Elena's when she got hold of me. I have scars from her training still this day.

Six weeks later I got my divorce papers and I sold everything I walked away with and have enough money to start a new life. They won't find me in Montesano for now. I am living in a small house with a cheap used truck and I treat animals.

I can't believe Misty left me high and dry and she filed for a divorce and Ray Steele has her power of attorney to get the divorce settled. I demanded to see her but I was told it wasn't going to happen. Elena is behind bars now and serving enough years for all her charges she will die in prison. If she isn't killed by her enemies first. She tried to throw me under the bus with her, .but I was never involved in her businesses. I was guilty of buying Misty but until she is located they can't prosecute me without her testimony. Elena tried to say I was involved in buying and selling humans but had no evidence to support that.

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