New Staff

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I had to hire someone to help with the workload and it turned out I needed more than one person. So I hired three people to help in the office. I ran background checks and chose the ones that I could get their references to answer calls.Todd and Iris Lincoln and Stuart Kavanagh, Kate's half brother. Stuart getting is looking to get his degree in law and hoping to make some connections before he gets it. Smart move going with my firm, Todd and Iris are brother and sister apparently fraternal twins. They just needed jobs according to their father who owns his own business. They didn't want to work for him and have everyone think they were hired only because they are his children, I get that.

I am Miss Steele's PA and handle all the minutiae and I do a great job of it. Iris is proficient at writing up briefs and filing the actions for court. Stuart is getting his degree in law and is working here to get connections and experience before he gets out of law school. He is related to Kate Kavanagh a friend of miss Steele's at first I thought he would be a slacker, but he isn't at all. He works hard and long hours like all of us do. We are getting two more people soon. Miss Steele is having us interview them because we will be their bosses. Cheryl Duncan and Russell Baker were our choices after the background checks were completed. Cheryl works with Iris and Russell works with me.

I love working for an up and coming law firm, it provides me with the ability to find out how to grow from a small firm into a big one. We have gotten some very interesting cases. A few really interesting divorce cases as well. Talk about hiding assets and boy do both sexes have equal billing on that front.

There is a lot of work that needs done and Todd is my boss at this point. He makes sure that Stuart gets the cases Miss Steele wants him to look at and then we get to see if he spots any issues and they are given back to Miss Steele. She's training him to find the problems with the documents. He brings in clients though and he is nice looking. Miss Steele has rules about dating each other, it is frowned upon for good reasons. She has us sign a document absolving her of any responsibility for our actions. We must sign a document stating we will not sue her and we will keep it out of the work place. If we break up we can't bring our hostilities into the work place if either of us do we will lose our jobs immediately.

I love working here it is great, I love hard work. It is a small firm and we work together very well. I was glad to get this job. I have learned so much in the time I have been working here.

I am being run ragged by Todd and Iris and Russell seems to be getting the easy jobs, but I need this job very badly. I have bills that are past due and a baby to feed. Sadly this firm has no childcare for us working mothers to leave them with. I finally get to talk to Anastasia about this issue and she thinks about it and decides it might be a good idea to hire childcare workers for my benefit and her clients as well. She has Todd join us and they decide the conference room with all the windows would be a good place for one. She calls Elliott Grey and asks him if he can create a childcare area in the law office? Soon he is here because he was at a location near us.

I arrive at Anastasia's office and she asks me to look at the extra conference rooms to see if they can become a child care center or not? I check them out and we can definitely do it and we need to pull up all the old carpets and put down softer ones with stain master along with extra padding that will prevent injuries and still be good for children. I check to see what we can do about cribs, playpens and changing tables. They need to install a bathroom that both small ones can use and a tub and shower built for both as well. A supply closet for all they will need. Counters and sinks along with refrigerator and stove. Basically everything that will be needed to make it work for having a child of
any age here. I show her the draft and how long and an estimate for it all. She looks it over and asks when can I start? I tell her I can do it tomorrow morning and it will take three weeks maximum. She wants the safest and best of course in everything we are using.

Kate has came by and we recall each other from her mother trying to set us up via the dating app. She is no longer on the site but I am. I have met a lot of women and men who were dressed as women. I always meet them in a very busy place, it's safer that way. Kate does small jobs for Anastasia and so does Leila both who live in apartments in the building. The artwork on the walls is hers and sells quite often.

After hearing that Elliott will be coming in and out to work on the childcare center for the firm I am looking forward to it. My son is being watched by my cousin and she is not the best at it. Todd has me take applications for childcare people to start working immediately and they can use her apartment for now. She has everything childproofed and ready for our children. Her place is absolutely gorgeous all her bedrooms are locked she slotted money for whatever we needed to use for the children and we do just that.

Since we have two employees that have children and they need this I have Russell buy everything that is needed and take it to my apartment. My bedrooms are all locked by codes. No one can get in without them. It was hectic but we got everything done and everything is going great. Elliott did a great job and Leila took photos of the before and after for me. I think he should use them in his ads. I sign a release to let him do just that. Cheryl and Russell are doing really good work now they have steady childcare. Even my clients love the idea that they don't have to divide their attention between legal documents and their children. It was a great investment. Sometimes you have to go the extra mile for your employees.

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