The Curmudgeon

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Something is wrong and Injustice can't see it. It has kept me up all night and Miss Curmudgeon has appeared and I want nothing to do with anyone because my mind is on the case. Something is not right and I am thinking that I am being lied to. I need to get an investigator and I think that Kate might have some ideas. I don't normally investigate my clients since they are the ones paying me. But I need to know what this guy is hiding from me. I decide to grab something sweet and a cocoa from a nearby restaurant. I'm walking towards there and I am in the rush hour that are trying to get to work. Someone runs me down and leaves me on the ground to try to get up in the middle of all these people. I suddenly am lifted up by a very tall man. He takes me inside the place I was headed and apologizes for his boss and explains he was in a huge hurry and didn't realize he knocked me down. The man asks me if I am injured and I can't see any injuries. My clothes are ruined though a rip in my clothing and stains along with my shoes were totally unrepairable. My glasses were broken and my purse was ripped. That was from the people walking around me and not noticing me after his boss knocked me down. I went to wash up and the guy ordered me my cocoa and my sweet.

Thomas Sawyer
Jason and Mr Grey went rushing down the street without really looking and I see him walking so fast he fails to notice what looks like a young girl being knocked down by him. She keeps getting knocked around and I pick her up before she's trampled to death and get her into the closest cafe. She looks at me frightened and mad at the same time. I ask her if she is injured and do we need to get her seen by a doctor. I apologize for my boss and don't tell her who he is. No point in telling her that information. She goes to the restroom to clean up. Her hands are scraped and dirty. I order her sweet and cocoa that she demanded me get her. She is not polite at all. I get her to come with me to replace everything she lost. I give her my number in case she needs medical care. We walk into the store my boss instructed me to take her and she resists but finally gets tired of my nonsense and buys replacements for everything. She was right all of it needed replaced. She has them bag it up and gets a receipt in case she has issues with the things. I liked her choices and they will look great on her. They will take them in for her so they will fit her. I make sure she gets back home safe and waits until she goes inside to leave. I make a report to Jason. He wants her name and address along with the receipts.

I call Anastasia and tell her that I have bad news to tell her. The guy does have skeletons in his closet and he definitely is hiding them from her. She tells me send her the reports and she will decide what to do about it once she checks the laws. I would love to write this story but then it would get Anastasia in trouble with the bar association. I give her what I was able to dig up. She pays me to do the research on various things and has had me sign an NDA. Leila gets a few jobs as well. Hers is limited though. It helps us to have the extra cash.

I see how rough Anastasia looks as she walks in the building to the elevator to her apartment. She's carrying some bags from a high end store and her clothing is torn up and her shoes are in her hand and destroyed. She tells me some guy knocked her down because he wasn't watching what he was doing and everyone was stepping on her and no one was helping her until a big guy picked her up and saved her. His boss had him replace my things and see if she needed to go to the hospital. She looked injured to me, but she just took her things and got on the elevator and said good night.

I got in a hot bath and took a couple of Tylenol to help with the pain. I might need to go to the hospital after all. I have court all day tomorrow and can't reschedule any of them. I finally get ready to lay in bed and read up on the cases one last time.

Judge Mc Kearney
I see miss Steele is on several cases today and I look up at her as she heads to the court room. Her father Ray has told people she has passed the bar but she hasn't had to come before a judge before today. That's a good sign. I hope she is prepared and defends her clients to her best abilities.

Willow Springs
I look at the judge as he is walking into the court and I think I know him. I don't know where though. Anastasia goes through everything and she gets me off of the charges and I am released from jail. I was minding my own business when this guy tried to attack me. It turned out to be a cop that thought I was a hooker. He arrested me for being a hooker and he lied. Anastasia did her due diligence and discovered I wasn't the only young woman he did it to. The prosecutor used looking at charging the cop once the others come forward. Anastasia has a list of the women he tried and succeeded sexually assaulting them. They were all scared to come forward.

The Right Blind Date (?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora