Powerhouse Steele

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I really had no idea my dad's nickname was powerhouse Steele until his PA told me about it. She knew things that no one had an idea she did. Wren Warren might look like a sweet little old lady, but you dare not cross her. Dad always said she was the real powerhouse at his firm. No one could have a secret that she didn't soon uncover. She was busy during the meeting with the attorneys. She called all the firms clients and informed them that I was merging my firm with my dads and I would be handling their cases until we get the firm settled after dad died. It was her suggestion and she removed all the files from the attorneys offices and had people go get everything from their homes as well. Their phones were taken from them before we started the meeting. A lot of arguing back and forth and demanding to see the will giving me my dad's firm. That's when my attorney stopped the rant about the will. His will was ironclad written by a top attorney at Grey Law firm. He didn't want it done in house because he knew what they would do. The will was updated two years ago and he left me everything. All his assets , money and properties. Everything was mine to do with as I wished.

Wren Warren
I get everything done and find things that need to be brought to Miss Steele's attention. A couple of the attorneys are taking direct payments from the clients and they aren't supposed to pay the attorneys they are to pay the firm and then the attorney gets paid by the firm. There is a reason they get salaries and not paid individually from the clients. The money is considered the firms income and the firm bases salaries on the amounts they bring in and if they are paid directly then they violated the contract and they were paid directly and through their salaries for the work on the clients case. The law considers this embezzlement and they can go to jail and be disbarred. Three attorneys so far have done this and I need to get the forensics accountants to look at this evidence and show Miss Steele. This automatically breaks each of the attorneys contracts and they each have to pay the penalties.

Three attorneys were arrested and reported to the bar after I found this evidence. They weren't doing this until after Ray died. They ran amuck after that. They were using their company credit cards for things that they used personally. We need to go through all the company bills to see if anything else is amiss. I give Miss Steele everything I have so far and she told me that my job has never been in jeopardy and she is going to reevaluate my position and promote me to managing all the attorneys and employees here. I can hire the staff I need or want. There are a few I want out and a few I want to bring back. I tell her this and she tells me as long as you follow through with HR it will be good.

Starting with head of HR I fire him and promote his assistant Louisa Burns and give her a raise and put her to work hiring back certain people and firing the deadbeats that took credit for the work the ones who they fired had done.

Finally we got everything straightened out and made a few people mad, but we got everything done and the cases were completed and we only lost two cases because they were not going to be won by anyone because the clients were lying about being injured. They didn't make it to court because we found out they lied to us which violated our agreement. We told them that they needed to pay us for the time we worked on their case. They paid us without hesitation. We learned a lesson and so did the clients who lied. They did a lot of this because dad was ill and he didn't want to worry me. If I didn't love dad so much I would be mad at him for not letting me know that he didn't how much time left. I guess he didn't want me to see him so ill and in the letter he said exactly that. He didn't want to lay in a hospital bed waiting for his death with me sitting there waiting along with him. So he chose to live his life as completely as he could. He told me to do the same thing. He wants me to take time to live life and find love and have babies and everything that life has to give me.

Things started running smoothly and Wren is training people to fill her shoes and we have new attorneys for both offices. A few changes are being made and I am recruiting people that want to be attorneys and need a hand in going to college and law school.

I finally see Anastasia as she gets in the elevator to get some sleep. She has been running herself into the ground since her father died. She has had major problems with lying assholes at her father firm. She ended three of the attorneys contracts because they broke it. They also tried to get a partnership saying her dad wanted them to one each, lies again and then they took payment directly to them and not directly to the firm as they should have. She caught people using the company credit cards for expensive items for themselves or their girlfriends, boyfriends or spouses. I wanted to write a story but she couldn't do it without violating attorney client privilege.

I am finally ready to have my art shown and sold at a gallery. Anastasia gave me the okay by way of Stuart Kate's half brother. He is pretty nice to us. We have been talking during our downtime.

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