Chapter Forty-Three: Lynx Frost

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A/N: I'm writing the third round of perspectives. If I keep going at this rate, I'm going to need a book two to finish the plot. *Insert eyeroll emoji because I'm too lazy to figure out how to use an actual emoji*. I'm hoping it won't come to that, though.

So, when Lynx is talking about figure skating in this chapter (she doesn't talk a lot), all of what she says is true. (Although it's incredibly unusual for skaters to have no say in who their coach is). However, in this universe, there are no international competitions because Pyrrhia is one nation and there aren't any international competitors. So, the Olympics are a national competition within Pyrrhia in this universe. Also, there are a couple skating terms I don't explain. Should I? Is it unclear? These terms are so common to me that I almost don't know how I would explain it, but they're uncommon enough that if you looked it up you probably wouldn't get a definition.

Yay! 8,080 reads! That's more than triple what I had at the beginning at the last round of perspectives. 138 votes, 246 comments, 103 engaged readers (ahhhh!), and 18 followers. I have readers in eight countries (The US, Poland, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the Philippines, and Malaysia). It's possible that people in countries other than those read this, because I swear that at some point there were readers in South Korea, and I know the UAE, Slovenia, and Italy disappeared too. (It doesn't show that I have readers there anymore, which is odd). I have readers in all age brackets, though still mostly on the younger side; 73% is under 25. 52% of my readers are female, 35% male, and 13% private, so that hasn't changed much since last time.

Thank you all so much, for reading, commenting, and voting! I'm sorry again that I won't be updating as often.

- apandask8r

Lynx frowned when her alarm went off. She didn't want to get up, but it was unavoidable. Well, technically it was avoidable. School didn't start for another four hours. But if she wanted to defend her titles, she had to get up this early.

Lynx reluctantly slipped out of bed, careful to avoid waking her roommates. It was four am, so she figured they wouldn't appreciate being woken.

Why did Lynx Frost need to wake up at four am, you might be wondering? It was that she was a figure skater, and when you figure skated at a supremely high level like she did, getting up ridiculously early was a necessity. Or you could be homeschooled, but Lynx didn't really want to be homeschooled, so getting up at four am it was.

Lynx sighed, grabbed her clothes from her dresser, and went into the bathroom to change. She'd taken a shower the night before, so she would be able to sleep in fifteen more minutes.

It took her only ten minutes to get dressed, brush her teeth, and grab some breakfast. She would eat on the bus.

She walked through the halls of Jade Preparatory Academy, careful to avoid attention but not look like she was avoiding attention. Skulking around, even by the upper classes, tended to garner unwanted attention.

Lynx got out of the school without incident, then headed toward the bus stop. The busses in Wasp City ran 24-7, though only Reshams and Uas on their way to work in the rich Kypseli, Noctu, and Glacee houses used the busses at this hour.

And Lynx.

When she got on the bus after waiting for a few moments, she earned quite a bit of stares. The driver was a Foglia, but all the other passengers on the practically empty bus were either Reshams or Uas.

Lynx took a seat by the front, avoid of everyone's eyes on her. She stared out the window, avoiding making eye contact. After a few moments, her eyes began to dart about. She couldn't stand the feeling of so many stares.

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