Chapter Thirteen: Peril Cinder

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A/N: Wow, I am updating this waaaaay more than I thought I would! Maybe because it's summer right now . . . (And because I was bored working on my other stories . . . I've decided I have to write more in both before I come back to this). 

Peril Cinder walked through the doors of Jade Preparatory Academy, her footsteps echoing throughout the empty halls. She'd come in through the staff entrance, so she could avoid the multitude of students and their families lining up at the front. Though now, she almost wished she'd gone that way. Maybe she'd have run into one of her friends. 

Though . . . it was surprising that she hadn't run into Starflight, Tsunami, Turtle, Riptide, or Clay in the day she'd been here. Staflight's father was the science teacher at Jade Preparatory Academy. Tsunami's and Turtle's stepfather taught writing to the higher classes. Riptide's father was the dreaded history teacher, and they were all required to be at Jade a few days before everyone else. 

And Clay . . . Peril's heart skipped a beat as she thought about him. His aunt, who acted as his legal guardian to him and his siblings, was Asha Landslide, professor writing to the lower classes at Jade. And that meant that he would also be here ahead of time. 

Peril practically skipped down the hall with the thought. A passing teacher, whom she recognized as Cadelle Termite, Cricket's grandmother, gave her a significant look. Peril didn't stop. She ran though hall after hall, eventually finding her way to her dorm room, which, once they got there, she would be sharing with the rest of Jade 10G, the girls in tenth grade in the Jade Winglet. This was good, because all of Jade were her friends. Most of the people in other Winglets, however, hated her. (Or so Peril thought. Clay claimed she simply didn't know them and that was why they acted like she didn't exist, but Peril believed that he was just being his nice Clay self and didn't actually believe this himself). 

Peril stomped into the dorm room, having upset herself by this train of thought, when she was interrupted in her pout by an exuberant, "Peril!" 

She glanced up from the floor, which had been occupying her attention as she entered the room, to find a familiar, blue-haired Segaran head staring at her. "Hey, Tsunami," Peril said. "Good to see you. When did you get here?" 

"Just a few minutes ago," she replied. "I haven't unpacked yet. Is Riptide - I mean, are the others here?" 

Peril smirked. Tsunami really wasn't subtle about her crush on Riptide. Then, Tsunami wasn't subtle about anything. Much like Peril. "Not that I know of," she told her friend. "But they could be here and just aren't up yet." 

"Tsunami!" a familiar voice yelled from somewhere below them. Anemone, Peril thought with venom. "I need heeelllllp!" 

"Turtle's on the same floor," Tsunami yelled back. "Have him help you!" 

Below them, Peril heard Turtle groan. "Why would you tell her that, Tsunami?!"

"Because I don't want to help her right now!" Tsunami called back, comically cheerful. 

Turtle groaned again. Loud footsteps and lots of clanking followed. 

Tsunami grinned at Peril. "Want to go raid the teachers' private cafeteria?" 

"Butterblasts for the win!" Peril replied as she followed Tsunami out of their dorm. (A/N: Yes, Kotlc reference. No, there will not be more Kotlc later. I just felt like it at this present moment). 

A/N: Short, but longer than some other chapters. I'm going to go through everyone's POV before I repeat anyone and before school actually starts. Then it'll go quickly. If you have a preference for whose perspective I do next, then comment here! 

Also . . . this occurred to me right now, and it probably won't happen soon. But I'm thinking of doing a Kotlc Truth or Dare book, what do you guys think? I may do Wings of Fire too, but probably Kotlc first. 

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