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Winter Icestorm:

Age: fourteen

Address: 216 Squall Avenue

Race: Glacee

Weapon(s): anklet that lets him create snow and ice storms

Immediate Family: Tundra Icestorm (mother), Narwhal Icestorm (father), Icicle Icestorm (twin sister), Hailstorm Icestorm (brother, deceased)

Extended Family: Glacier Frostcurrent (aunt), Reindeer Frostcurrent (uncle), Crystal Frostcurrent (cousin), Snowfall Frostcurrent (cousin), Mink Frostcurrent (cousin), Professor Permafrost Icestorm (uncle)

Ancestry: family from long line of Glacee nobles, aunt (Glacier Frostcurrent) current head of Glacee Weaponry monitoring

Eyes: blue

Hair: white with a tint of blue

Skin: pale

Pet(s): None

Favorite Subject: science

Favorite Hobby: skiing

Likes: his friends, school, technology

Dislikes: Qibli Roadrunner's puns, his family (aside from Hailstorm Icestorm and Mink Frostcurrent)

Conditions of Acceptance: family's connections, uncle (Professor Permafrost Icestorm) professor of language at Jade Preparatory Academy

Grade: nine

Class: 9B

Classmates: Qibli Roadrunner, Umber Landslide, Lynx Frost, Sundew Oakleaf, Willow Maple, Siamang Cassowary, Arid Bongo, Mindreader Crooktail, Nettle Fly Trap

Room: Jade 9B

Roommates: Qibli Roadrunner, Umber Landslide, Blue Glimmer, Turtle Hurricane

Clay Landslide:

Age: fifteen

Address: 603 Marsh Lane

Race: Shavar

Weapon(s): a French-fry keychain that allows him to sense what is morally right in a situation

Immediate Family: Cattail Landslide (mother), Umber Landslide (brother), Reed Landslide (brother), Pheasant Landslide (sister), Marsh Landslide (brother), Sora Landslide (sister, in jail), Crane Landslide (sister, deceased)

Extended Family: Professor Asha Landslide (aunt, legal guardian)

Ancestry: long line of professors at Jade Preparatory Academy

Eyes: brown

Hair: brown

Skin: medium

Pet(s): Spruce (a crane, in memory of his sister)

Favorite Subject: math

Favorite Hobby: eating

Likes: food, his siblings, peace, his friends

Dislikes: his friends fighting, school (aside from friends), wars

Conditions of Acceptance: aunt (Professor Asha Landslide) professor of writing at Jade Preparatory Academy

Grade: ten

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