Chapter Nineteen: Swordtail Dusk

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A/N: Thank you so much for 1.5 thousand reads!!!! Two chapters have over a hundred reads, though I am incredibly confused as to why Chapter Twelve has 48 reads, but Chapter Fifteen has 64. Seriously, read things in order, people! 

I'm surprised at how many people think this is a good book. I'd like to shout out @My-Vision-is-real1 and @Xx_Axa_xX for voting on basically every chapter. It surprises me how many people think this is a good book. Honestly, there are some chapters I'm embarrassed about.

The picture above is the dorm layout of the Jade Winglet's dorms, for grades 9 and 10. In each room, it lists who sleeps there. I think you can tell what is what from the picture but ask if you have any questions. It is possible that I'm only thinking that because I made it. Basically, there are beds, dressers, and desks in each room and a kitchen, table, a couch, and a TV in the main common room. The small common rooms have a table and a washer and dryer. 

I changed some things on the chapter called Jade Preparatory Academy, so you might want to review that, so you aren't confused. It won't matter for three more chapters, though. 

399 words exactly not including the author's note. Short, but longer than some previous chapters. Also, absolutely no dialogue! (Which was unintentional but kinda funny).

Again, thank you thank you thank you! I really appreciate all the reads, votes, etc. 

- apandask8r

Swordtail Dusk was late. He ran up the steps of Jade Preparatory Academy, trying both to hurry and to look inconspicuous.

He was pretty sure it didn't work, judging from the number of stares he was getting - though luckily there were no Kypselis nearby to yell at him.

Swordtail lugged his stuff into the room and stopped at the end of the line, behind a group of Uas who very noticeably ignored him. He stepped to the side and scanned the line ahead of him for his friends.

He didn't see any of them, which was surprising, since he was sure Blue and Luna were there. Glory and Kinkajou too, probably. He assumed everyone else was also there, but that they were too far ahead of him in line for him to see them.

Swordtail headed back to his things and pulled out his phone, opening to twenty-eight separate messages. Most were from his friends, on their various group chats, talking about who was there, who wasn't, and sending pictures of the dorms, claiming certain beds. But some were from his parents and sister, asking about how things were going. Their family could only afford a flight for Swordtail to get to Wasp City, so he'd come alone. Thorn and Smolder has offered to let him come with them, and even to pay for his family's flights, but Swordtail had refused to accept their charity.

So now he was alone. Swordtail pulled his jacket closer around himself, feeling weirdly intimidated by the whole thing. He hadn't been this intimidated last year.

Maybe it was because he knew what to expect. Normally, that would probably make it less stressful. But in this case, Swordtail rather thought it didn't.

Now, he knew the horrors he would be force-fed. History the teachers would lie about. Questions he would try to ask but they were forbidden to answer. The looks he would get from virtually every higher-status person at the school who wasn't his friend. The Kypseli teachers who would act like he didn't exist whenever he tried to answer a question or even looked at the board. Jade Preparatory Academy was marketed as the best school in Pyrrhia, but Swordtail believed it was only that way for the higher statuses.

He sighed as the line moved forward a few feet. This was going to be an incredibly loooong day.

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