Chapter Eight: Deathbringer Moonslayer

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"Deathbringer!" an all-too-familiar voice called. His foster mother, the extremely annoying Battlewinner Sharpteeth.

Deathbringer sighed and put down his phone. He'd been bombing Glory's texts with every emoji in the emoji library, in order. She threatened to block him if he continued, but, being Deathbringer, he didn't listen.

"Deathbringer!" The word was now accompanied by feet stomping up the stairs, and Deathbringer quickly got out of bed before Battlewinner could see him lazing around. He opened the door and peeked into the hall.

"Get up," Battlewinner snapped. "You're leaving for Wasp City in about an hour."

"Oh, right," Deathbringer said, feigning ignorance. "Fate and I are going with the Roadrunners, right?"

"Do whatever you want," Battlewinner said disinterestedly. "I'm taking Greatness, but if you want to go off with your annoying little friends, then I don't care. I may actually prefer it. It gets you out of my sight for longer."

Deathbringer grimaced. For the thousandth time, he wished his mother was still alive. But she wasn't, so it was no good to dwell on the past. He was used to Battlewinner's rudeness. "It gets you out of my sight too," he snapped back. "So that's always a plus."

His foster mother rolled her eyes and left the room. Deathbringer began - reluctantly - to pack. He didn't have many things, but he would be hard pressed to pack them in an hour anyway.

Deathbringer reached behind his bed and pulled out his Weapon, a sword that never missed its mark and caused more pain than it should. He slipped it into the sheath attached to his belt, then began to work on packing his clothes. He filled one relatively small suitcase with all of his clothes, then got a duffle bag for his school supplies. With all the books he needed - being in 10F, it was twelve thick textbooks plus everything else - the duffle bag was incredibly heavy, even for him. Deathbringer smiled, thinking he'd make an excuse to help Glory carry hers later.

Deathbringer put his bags by the door, then began to fill his backpack. Blankets, pillows . . . he'd get snacks from Thorn. Earbuds, computer, phone, charger . . . all the technology. What else did he need? No, that was it, his friends would most likely be bringing all the other stuff, and he could borrow from them. And he could always buy things in Wasp City if needed.

Deathbringer sighed, put on his backpack, put his duffle bag on his suitcase, and rolled down the hall, carried them down the stairs, and sat down on the front stoop next to his sister, waiting for the Roadrunners to arrive. 

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