Chapter Eleven: Winter Icestorm

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A/N: Thanks for two-hundred reads, guys! Here's your present, a new - albeit incredibly short - chapter. (What I said in the author's note was correct: having people read it is motivating me to write more, so if you read more maybe I'll write more. Also, I need to start the actual plot of this story. That'll probably motivate me to write.)

Winter was having an incredibly bad day, and it was only eight am. To start, he'd been woken up by his twin sister, Icicle, yelling in his ear. Then, he'd been forced to have a conversation his parents before leaving the house. 

For most people, that wouldn't be so bad. But Winter went out of his way to avoid his parents, and frequently he was successful. 

Today, he was not. 

"I hear you have arranged other accommodations for your trip to Jade Preparatory Academy," Narwhal Icestorm said, his voice, as usual, completely emotionless. "This is unacceptable." 

Winter tried to avoid flinching. He was unsuccessful, and his father noticed. 

Narwhal paced the length of their family's great hall. "Ramils?" he asked in a way that most people would say "mosquitos". "Really, Winter?" 

"They're status is three," Winter pointed out, not that he expected his logic to work on his father. "Only one lower than us. And Jade is a school for all races and all statuses. Even some Reshams go there." 

Narwhal hissed. "It is still lower," he said, ignoring Winter's last two sentences. 

Winter sighed. "Can you get on with it and just tell me that I have to go to Jade with you so we can be done with this conversation?" 

His father made a show of rolling his eyes before saying, "I want to imprint on you the importance of not associating with other races." (A/N: When I say "races" I mean tribes. I know it's confusing, but they aren't dragons and don't use dragon names. Go read the first actual chapter if you're confused. I haven't been putting a lot of this in the previous chapters).

"Oh," Winter said. "So I'm only allowed to speak with Kypselis and Noctus? Unfortunately for you, most of my professors will be people from other races." 

Narwhal let out a long, exasperated sigh. "My point is that it would be better for everyone if you did not associate with other races more than you have to." 

Winter rolled his eyes but acquiesced, knowing that if he didn't his father would tell his uncle Permafrost to keep an eye on him at Jade. He really, really wanted to keep his friends, and he couldn't do that if he was forbidden from speaking to them. 

Most days, it felt like they were the only things keeping him alive. 

A/N: Sorry it's super short. I don't think this is my best work either, but then, this whole book isn't my best work. It's hard to write well when I have writer's block the whole time. Writing fanfiction is honestly harder than regular fiction. 

If you want my best work, go to The Uni's Secrets: The Lost Mother. Also, there's another original book I wrote (better than this, but still not my best work), On the Edge of the Blade, that was the product of what happened when I tried writing this fanfiction the first time. I took out all the characters except Winter and his family and changed their whole personalities, so it wasn't a fanfiction anymore. I changed everyone's names so it's not remotely related to Wings of Fire, except that that's where I got the idea originally. 

Another place to get my best work, or work I'm satisfied with anyway: Life, Death, and Chaos and its sequel Life, Death, and Chaos 2.0. Both are original.


- apandask8r

I feel weird writing a note at the end of this because I didn't do it anywhere else, but I'm doing it anyway. I also feel weird advertising for myself, but I'm doing that anyway too.

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