Chapter Twenty-Four: Deathbringer Moonslayer

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A/N: I have never tried to write romance before this book, so apologies if this chapter is awful.

Deathbringer Moonslayer opened the door to his Winglet's common room, smiling when he noticed a cantaloupe-haired, purple-eyed girl sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Hey, Glory," he said, allowing a smile to creep up his lips.

She let out an audible sigh without looking up. On the other side of the couch, Tsunami snorted and tried to hide her smile. Glory gave her a significant look.

Deathbringer smirked to himself and stalked over, sitting between her and Tsunami. "Did you hear me, my queen?"

Again, Glory ignored him. Deathbringer repeated the question. This time, Glory sighed again and answered with an irritable, "Yes, Deathbringer, I heard you."

He grinned, determined not to let her annoyance deter him. "How are you, my queen?"

Glory sighed for the third time in the span of that single conversation and slapped her book closed. "What do you want, Deathbringer?"

"To talk to you," he informed her.

Tsunami snorted. "Then I'll let you guys do that. Bye!"

"Tsunami!" Glory snapped as her friend hopped off the couch and headed toward the girls' dorm. "Please don't leave!"

"Sorry, Glory," Tsunami said, not sounding very sorry. She winked, and a look Deathbringer couldn't decipher passed between the two girls.

Glory rolled her eyes as Tsunami closed the door. She turned to Deathbringer, putting her chin in her hand and looking at him with an expression he tried to convince himself was amused, but was probably more like annoyed. Then he tried to convince himself that she was only pretending to be annoyed, and he had a little more success with that, but not to the point that he actually believed it.

"Talk away," Glory said.

Deathbringer started, caught off guard, and she seemed to know it. She smirked at him, and repeated the statement. He stared at her. "After years of pretending to hate me, you suddenly want to . . . listen to me talk?"

"No," Glory said, and Deathbringer rather thought that this was more realistic. "I just want to appease Tsunami. She's listening through the door."

"Oh, come on, Glory!" Tsunami called, obviously annoyed. "How'd you know it was me?"

"You're my friend," Glory told her. "And my friends like to spy on me."

"We eavesdrop," Tsunami corrected, opening the door and giving Glory a glare Deathbringer was sure was mocking. "We don't spy."

"I do!" Kinkajou shouted, appearing in the center of the room and making Glory, Deathbringer and Tsunami all jump in surprise.

Glory's little sister grinned triumphantly. "Didn't see me, did you? Almost like I was invisible."

"You were invisible," Glory pointed out. "It's literally your Weapon's power, sis."

"And you aren't even supposed to be here!"Deathbringer said. "You're supposed to be on the floor below us, in your own dorm."

Kinkajou huffed. "We'll, I'm here, and it's not like you're going to send me away."

"I can go get my sword," Deathbringer offered, and both Glory and Kinkajou turned to him in fury. "What?" he asked them. "It would certainly send you away."

"No!" Glory yelled. She stood up from the couch, and turned to him threateningly. "If you ever threaten my sister with that monstrous thing again, I will personally kill you."

"It wasn't like I was actually going to use it," Deathbringer whined. Then he grinned. "But being killed by you would be the ultimate compliment."

"I'm sincerely mad at you, and you're still flirting with me?" Glory asked incredulously. She turned to Kinkajou. "Actually, sis, did you plan this all out?"

She grinned deviously. "I might have."

Glory sighed. "Go back to your own dorm, please."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your older sister and you should listen to me? Please?" The word had an edge of desperation, and Kinkajou must have picked up on it, because she sighed and stepped toward the door, making a show of pouting while she was at it.

"All right, Fine. Bye!" Kinkajou gave a little, overly cheerful wave and stepped out the door.

"I'm not talking to you anymore," Glory informed Deathbringer as she stood up from the couch and heading to where Tsunami was still watching the scene with an amused expression. "Or listening to you talk."

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice about that last one," Deathbringer said. "Puppy! Death! Bringer! Sword! Night! Random words! See, you're listening to me talk!"

Glory stopped, turned to him, and smiled. "Actually, I think I do have a choice about that last one," she said, her smile turning into more of a smirk. A second later, she disappeared, her Weapon making her fade against the background. "Bye!" her voice said from the doorway next to Tsunami. "I'm locking the door - and even you will never get in!"

Deathbringer sighed. Yes, he could pick locks, but if Glory thought that he wouldn't be able to get in and talk to her, she was probably right. He frowned at the door, then turned and headed back to his own dorm.

He would have to go annoy her later.

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