Chapter Nine: Moonwatcher Clearmoon

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 "Are you ready, honey?" Secretkeeper Clearmoon asked her daughter.

"No," Moonwatcher Clearmoon, who preferred to be called Moon, replied glumly.

Secretkeeper sighed and sat down on Moon's bed, putting an arm around her shoulders. "It'll be okay, Moon," she whispered. "You'll make friends. It'll be better."

Moon shifted. She'd been homeschooled for her entire life. Now that she was starting Jade Preparatory Academy, she would be separated from her mother for months at a time. And the worst part was that she'd have to meet new people . . . and interact with people other than her mother. That was the scariest part; she never ordered at restaurants, hid behind her mother when she was asked a question . . . she barely ever spoke in front of people other than her mother. How was she going to be able to handle herself at school?

But she didn't have a choice. It was Queen Wasp's orders that she go to the school. Due to the rareness of her Weapon - which allowed her to occasionally see the future and read minds - she was wanted at Jade Preparatory Academy.

"You'll have fun once you get used to it," Secretkeeper assured her.

Moon didn't answer. She stared off into space, examining the wood of the door to her bedroom too intently. This was the last time she'd see that door for months; she'd miss it for no particular reason, other than that she would miss everything. 

"It'll be okay," Secretkeeper coaxed. "Come on, honey. We have to get going or we'll miss our flight." 

Moon didn't move. Her mother took one of her hands and pulled her gently off the bed. They walked through the hallway and out the door of their small apartment.

After an anxious ride to the airport in which the driver of their taxi didn't help by asking questions, Moon was not in a better mood. In fact, she was in a worse mood. The airport was crowded, and Moon did not like crowds. 

Or people in general. 

She stuck close to her mother as they checked their bags and passed through security, keeping her head ducked to avoid attention. Their plane was delayed, which just prolonged her misery. Moon had to sit through an extra hour at the airport, then another three hours on the plane. At least she had her books.

Finally, one stressful hours and seven point five minutes later, their plane landed. Moon and her mother were at the back, so it took a long time for them to get off. When they finally reached the gangway, Moon hesitated. Stepping off the plane meant facing her fears. Stepping off the plane meant a new life, a new home, however temporary . . . 

She reminded herself that she didn't have a choice. Queen Wasp had ordered this, and Queen Wasp's orders had to be obeyed. 

Moon took a deep breath and put one foot onto the gangway.

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